Chapter 15

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Later that day

Lunch had arrived and I was already ready to go home.

I found a spare table since no one ever sits next to me except Lana Willson, Daniel Tenyo, Milly Zacoury and Linda Baker.

"Hay girl what you been up to. Rumour has it you have twins boy and girl" Milly said as she sat down at our table.

"Well the rumours aren't wrong" I said as I took Alex out of the pram and sat her on my lap with a bottle in my hand.

"And no, I didn't get knocked up by anyone" I said giving her the 'don't assume stuff you don't know the story about' look while she was thinking.

"OMG she is so cute can I hold her" Linda said as she nearly jumped out of her seat.

"Yeh sure, do you want to feed her the rest of her bottle while I feed Andrew his" I said passing  Linda Alex.

"Sure, what do I do after she is finished her bottle" Linda asked me with a curious look on her face.

(Linda isn't very good with babies but she loves children. She is 17 and has light brown eyes and black hair with blonde streaks going through it. She is very bright and bubbly and loves to have fun and party).

"Well after you finish feeding her you burp her and make sure to get all the wind out of her stomach so she doesn't get a belly ache" I said as I showed her how to do it with Andrew.

"Sounds easy enough" she said with a really big smile.

Blake came up to our table and sat right next to me.

"How's it going with Alex and Andrew. Hope no one gave you the shits in class today baby girl" Blake said kissing my forehead.

"Oh it was just great. Lots of gossip but I put the peers in there place if they want to gossip" I said with an amused look on my face.

"That's my girl" Blake said as he took Alex off Linda.

"Can I come over later" Milly asked.

"Me two" said Daniel.

"Me three" said Linda.

"And me four" said Lana.

"Sure. Come over any time you want" Blake and I said at the same time.

"Jinx, personal jinx, give a perawet, give me your jinxen truth" Blake and I said at the same time.

"Wow you to are the perfect couple. Finishing each other's sentences and jinxes" Linda said while looking at us.

"Here comes trouble" I said as the school slut came over to our table.

"Hay Blakey boo, I wanted to know if you would like to come over this afternoon and you know maybe we could have some fun" she said as she curled her hair around her finger.

(Cassandra Blackmay is the school slut. She has slept with every guy in the school especially the school players. She try's to flirt with every guy she can get her hands on. I think it's just plain disgusting if you ask me).

"Look Cassandra, I have a girl friend and plus your not my type anyways so go bang another guy you whore" Blake said as he turned to me and smiled.

"You you whore, you stole my man you slut" Cassandra said as she tried to slap me but I grabbed her hand and twisted it back into a very painful and uncomfortable position.

"We all know who the slut here is and that is you. If you think about slapping me again you should think about getting fighting lessons because we all know your gonna lose big time. Now run along and go bang some other horny dude that isn't Blake" I said as I pushed her away from our table.

Cough 'SLUT ' cough

"But Blakey boo, we had fun together" Cassandra said as she grabbed her wrist in pain.

"That wasn't fun, that was you being horny" Blake said as he turned his face up in disgust.

Cassandra screamed in annoyance and left the cafeteria.

I took a bite out of my burger and nodded my head.

The bell rang for class so we had to leave the cafeteria and get a move on.

Skip to the end of the day.

School was finally over. I walked out the door of the school and walked over the the car and waited for Blake who was talking to his friends.

Blake came over to me and unlocked the car and I got in and put Andrew and Alex in their car seats.

(I forgot to tell you that Blake and Taylor got the own for wheel drive so they didn't have to use Blakes mums car).

Thank god the day is over.

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