Chapter 9

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I woke up and looked to see that Blake had left my bed and that the twins were gone.

I panicked and got up quickly and ran down stairs.

I was met by an amount of laughing and crying.

What the fuck is going on

"Good morning new mommy" Carter said as he stood up and hugged me.

"Good morning Carter and the gang. What do you mean mommy" I asked confused.

"Well you do have tw-" Carter was saying before he got cut off by Blake.

"Morning beautiful" Blake said as he stared me up and down.

"Good morning, where are the twins" I asked as I looked at Blake with a smile on my face.

"There in the kitchen with Liam and Nick" Blake said as he rolled his eyes and went back into the kitchen.

"Please tell me this isn't happening" I asked because I could hear there cries.

"Well you would be wrong if it wasn't" he said as he walked over to the stove.

I could smell eggs and bacon cooking on the stove as Blake was flipping eggs and bacon over in the pan.

"I didn't know you could cook" I said as I took both the twins away from the boys who were struggling with the kids.

"I can cook and I can do a lot of other stuff as well" he said as he placed two plates at the counter. I put the babies on the floor in the lounge room on a really fluffy blanket so I could eat my breakfast.

"What are we going to do with with the twins. We could take them to an orphanage or a foster care department" Blake suggested.

"No fucking way are they going there. They'll stay here and I'll look after them and if my parents don't agree I'll get my own place and I'll look after them myself" I said as I got down from the counter and walked into the lounge room.

"You can't look after a set of twins by yourself. I'll help you" he said as he walked in behind me.

"I can't get you to do that. You have school and a life ahead of you with out a set of twins adding to the mix. And plus who would want to raise twins with me" i say as I take the little girls suit of to change her into some clean clothes.

We had some baby clothes for when my Aunty Layla cane over with her little girl. There were some boys clothes in there as well.

"I would" he said as he came closer to me.

"Would you be my girlfriend Taylor" Blake said as he was standing right in front of me now.

"Yes Blake Gunner I would" I said as he hugged me.

I finished dressing the twins. The little girl was wearing a light blue one piece suit with black Polker dots and white shoes that were way to cute on her.

The little boy was wearing a black and white one price suit and black shoes with trains on them. He was so adorable.

After 15mins my parents came walking through the door.

"Hi honey. Who's are they" my mum asked as she pointed to the twins.

"Um mum you might freak but they are my daughter and son" I say as I walk over to the twins and pick them up and kiss there cheeks.

Both my parents look at me and then start bursting out in laughter.

"You can't be serious Taylor. You can't raise twins on your own. You'll end up going grey by the time your seventeen" my parents say with seriousness in there voice.

"Watch me" I say as I walked up stairs and grabbed my stuff.

I still had the twins in my hands and I walked out the door.

"Wait Taylor. We didn't mean to make you upset, please come back inside" my mother said taking my bag.

"I'm not going back inside. You laughed in my face mum just because I'm going to be raising twins all by myself and still be able to go to school. I might not have a place to stay but i will figure something out" I say before Blake comes out.

"She'll stay with me" Blake said as he gave my mum and dad a reassuring smile.

"You have got to be kidding me. I'm your mother and I say your not going" she said as she tried to grab both the twins out of my hands.

I wouldn't let her.

"I'm not living with you anymore and that's that" I say as I walk to Blakes car and held my babies with me as I put my seat belt around me and the twins.

"Lets go" I say as I make sure there comfortable.

He starts the car and we are off. I didn't dare look back.

My parents are so suborn.

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