Chapter 2: Asleep

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                Kyle Law sat on the curve of the road and watched all the people walking past. Almost all of them would glare at him or even mockingly at like they may hand him a bit of change, sometimes they would do both. It was always the same with them, whether they were a business man or a wife and mother, it didn’t matter. To them he was just an example of how far a human could fall. He didn’t mind. It had been that way for the last three years of his life. Of course it was difficult at first but after a while all the jeers and judgmental looks just seem to just merge into one big mess that became your life, plain and simple. So day in and day out he’d walk the city streets and beg for just a spare coin or two and occasionally he’d get lucky and someone would take some sort of pity on him and throw a few coins at him.

                Today was no different than the last three years of his life. He woke up in one of the nearby parks and decided which part of the city he’d go to so he could beg for some change. That’s what he did, it was who he was and as far as he was concerned it was never going to change. So he sat on the curb and held a hand out occasionally which rarely ended in any success. The day passed by slowly and seemed like it wasn’t ever going to end but he knew it would, it always did. So he looked up at the nearest person to be walking by.

Normally he would just give the person a quick once over and hold out his hand but this person who was walking by was different than the rest, it was something that Kyle couldn’t fully understand nor explain. The boy he was looking at couldn’t be any older than nineteen, maybe twenty, and he was tall and had an athletic build from what Kyle could tell. The boy walked closer and stood in front of him, judging him like everyone else. Kyle had seen the boy walking with a bit of a limp but now he could see why. The boy’s face was bruised and swollen in places and he was holding his side, obviously in pain. The boy’s hair was brown and thin and was hanging in front of his eyes. But the boys eyes stood out the most, they were dark and intense, Kyle couldn’t place the color that they were, but they were cold none the less. And so they one sat and begged and the other stood and judged. Then without a word being exchanged the boy limped away.

Kyle watched silently as the boy limped past him and down the street, it didn’t surprise him with nothing was said and it surprised him even less when the boy left. But there was something off about how he felt, something didn’t feel right. It was like right when the boy walked up to him he felt like he was looking at his enemy, like he was looking at someone who he had fought against his entire life and like there had never been anything more or anything less than that. He felt that way for the longest time, even after the boy had left his scope of vision.

For the longest time Kyle sat on that curb and didn’t do anything. He didn’t hold out his hand for change, he didn’t even look at anyone and he didn’t even move. He just sat there. He knew he couldn’t keep this up for the rest his life right then and there. Every time he woke up and begged for money he would just do it, not even think of anything of it. Now all he could think of was how much he hated his life and wanted to get out of it. All it took for him to realize this was the look of a single person, the glare of a single boy who eyes seemed so intense and full of disgust.

A walk in the park.

                Slowly and surly Kyle walked his way to the nearest park to find a place to sleep for the night and figure out how he was going to get himself out of his empty shell of a life. Night had fallen swiftly and filled all of New King city in darkness. Wind blew through the tress above and rustled the leaves and branches. The temperature was slowly starting to drop and Kyle realized that he had better find a way to get out his homeless life soon or deal with the icy sting of winter like he had in the past. He didn’t want to do that in the least. As he walked he observed everything around him and sighed deeply. This was a terrible life and he knew it. That’s when he saw a flash of light and heard the sound of screeching tires. Kyle watched as a car came veering off a nearby road and into the park, spinning out of control as hit a tree and rolled. He watched in horror as it smashed into a light post causing it to fall and shatter, shooting electricity in every direction.

                He knew this was a chance for him to do something to help him out of his crappy life so he ran forward towards the destruction. He knew it was selfish of him to think that way but he knew that in the end that that was the honest truth so he ran as hard as his legs would carry him. As he made his way to the wreckage a blast of electricity shot out from the fallen lamp post and sprayed him. He felt nothing as he ran his way through it which seemed odd to him but he did his best to pay it no mind, if anything he felt somewhat energized. Then just as he reached the car, it exploded. The first thing Kyle noticed was the fact that he hadn’t been thrown back, the second thing he noticed that in the fire he wasn’t burning or even hurt in anyway. Then he noticed the oddest feeling, it was like his skin was pulsing and he watched as the fire and spurting electricity all around him was pulled into his body. He could feel all the energy pour into his body.

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