A Fine Queen

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     The next morning the two set out for Lordaeron with their escort platoon. Most of the guardsmen rode a short length back, so to give the two young nobles their space while still staying close enough to protect them. Arthas found it particularly humorous when he realised the two had been in a situation like this before.
    "Just like old times, isnt it?" He leaned over and asked. Jaina smiled.
    "Yes, just like old times." She thought for a moment. "I'll race you." She laughed, and kicked her steed. Its pounding hoofs left Arthas in a cloud of dust.
    "Hey!" He laughed and willed Invincible to go faster. Invincible had learned to ride at a young age, and could now easily keep up with Arthas' yearn for speed.
    The wind whipped the horse's snowy mane in Arthas' face, and he didn't mind. Horse and rider had become one. The great beast was family to him, and they went everywhere together.
    The prince easily caught up to her and the two kept racing as the squadron followed quickly behind.
He delighted in the grin on Jaina's face as the wind played with her golden hair.
This is what he wanted. A friend. A confidante. A partner. He longed for it over all else. This was the woman he wanted to be with forever. He had never been so sure about anything.

    After a long day of traveling, the sun soon set, and after some strategic planning, it was decided that they'd camp out by Tarren Mill for the night. Due to the increasing war and peasant population in the region, the little orchard had been converted into a quaint inn. Admittedly small, but not useless.
     The night drew in like a blanket over the grassy hills of Hillsbrad as they entered the miniscule town. The platoon was given free residence, and everyone slept easily, exhausted from the day's travel. All except for Arthas, who couldn't help but stare up at the roof, his mind running lengths.
    Suddenly he heard someone stir in the hall. He quickly feigned sleep, so as to save himself scorn from a guard. The prince had almost drifted off when he heard a whisper.
    "Arthas." For a moment he was sure he was going mad. "Arthas!" This time it was louder and more clear. He opened his eyes and was immediately met with big blue eyes and a curtain of golden hair around his face. Jaina was practically laying on top of him, her arms pinning him down on both sides. He could have lifted her off, but frankly he didn't mind.
"You up for an adventure?" She asked.
    "With you? Always." He grinned.
    He pulled on a pair of boots, threw on a cloak, and the pair left.
    The two young adults were far too old for the same childish quests they had had when they were younger. Now they prefered an easier adventure, walking hand in hand through the drying vineyards and forests of wilting apple trees. The moon shone brightly overhead, illuminating everything.
    "It's so peaceful." She said, turning to him, batting her dark eyelashes from underneath her violet hood.
    "It is... although you probably have some influence on that." He smiled and looked down. A moment passed. "Jaina, can I ask you something?" He looked down at her.
    "Of course Arthas, you can ask me anything."
    "Say, if you did have two blonde children, a boy and girl, what would you name them?"
    The question hit her unexpectedly, though her answer was surprisingly swift.
    "I'd name the girl Laurianne, and the boy Andrethas." Her quick answer to the question surprised and delighted him.
    "Those are... wonderful names." He said. She blushed.
    "Andrethas is the name of my great grandfather, and I've always liked the name Laurianne."
    "I like it too."
His brows furrowed slightly. "You answered those questions quickly."
    She looked away, slightly embarrassed.
    "I've always thought about the names of our-" She stopped dead, her eyes growing wide as corrected herself. "My children." She looked down to her feet, her face red as the Outland sky.
    Arthas acted oblivious to her weighty comment, but inside his mind raced.
    Thought about what? Having children? With him? What else has she thought about...?
    They continued the walk in perpetual silence.
    Soon the two found themselves at the gazebo on the other end of the farm. They stood in comfortable silence, overlooking the pond, while small frogs croaked harmonies to the moon.
    Arthas' heart began to pound. He was overflowing with affection for the woman standing next to him. He had been waiting for the right moment, and suddenly it had come.
    "Jaina, can I ask you something else? And... you don't need to answer as quickly to this question." He added.
    "Anything, Arthas." Her eyes twinkled with the reflection of the water.
He took a steadying breath, and knelt
before her.
    In his head, he kept repeating his truth to himself.
I'm going to do this. I want to do this. I'll protect you from everything. I'm going to make everything you could ever worry about go away forever.
    "Arthas, what are you doing?" Her eyes were huge and round, her question breathless. He pulled a ring from his pocket, and held it out to her.  The band was molded silver, made by the hands of the best smiths in Ironforge. And in the socket sat a large finely cut azerothian diamond, impossibly bright and glorious.
    His father's voice echoed in his head. 'Whomever you will marry must be for the good of the kingdom...' Well, this was for the good of everyone, including himself and the kingdom. Jaina would make a fine queen. She was kind, fair, strong, and she was always there for him. She was the one.
    "Jaina Proudmoore," His voice was strong and brimming with determination. "You are my best friend, and my most trusted companion." He continued, unable to hold back his boyish grin. "I still remember the day i first saw you in the chapel all those years ago. I might have even loved you then." He smiled at the memory. "And I would love nothing more than to be the one to protect and love you for the rest of your life, if you'll have me. Will you do me the honor of taking me for your husband?"
    Her eyes welled with tears of joy at his passionate declaration.
    "Yes Arthas of course I will!"
    The prince was filled with immeasurable joy as he picked her up and spun her around in a whirl of golden hair. Arthas laughed a deep, happy laugh. He then slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her tenderly. When he placed her down they embraced.
"You'll never be denied anything, Arthas." He smiled, his head buried in her neck.
After spending what seemed like eternity in each other's arms, they returned to their separate rooms in the inn, grinning like fools, waiting impatiently for morning to come.

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