No One Else

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The larger of the two moons hung lavishly in the sky as the squadron approached Lordaeron. Marwynn signaled to the guards in the watchtowers, and the gates were opened. The party rode quietly through the streets, and though he was worried, Arthas was also relieved to be home. Banners and floral decorations hung off the windows and rooftops of the buildings, ready to welcome the prince home at his expected arrival at dawn. He prayed that Jaina would still be with him by then.

Jaina's eyes fluttered open as specks of morning sun reached through the curtains.
She blinked around the room, bewildered and still weak.
She spotted Arthas hunched over and asleep on the chair by her bed. He was armorless, and clad in commoner's clothes. It humored her to see him so unremarkably dressed. His hair was unruly and covered part of his face. Wind blew in from the window and tousled it. She smiled, and reached out a dainty hand to move it from his eyes.
He stirred, as if leaving a nightmare, and his eyes blinked open. Suddenly aware, he took her hand and stared at her in disbelief.
"Good morning Arth-"
His lips seized hers so ferociously she though she may pass out again.
He hadn't realized how frightened he had truly been.
Arthas rested his forehead against Jaina's and closed his eyes.
"I'm so sorry."
"For what?" She asked.
"For failing you."
Jaina laughed. "Arthas, you could never fail me."
"They could have taken you... I couldn't protect you." He grimaced. "I couldn't..."
Her smile faded, and she caressed his face, as to make him look at her.
"Could they really have taken me? Or would your need to protect what is yours drive you to chase them around the Eastern Kingdoms until I was safe?" He looked at her in silence. "You did protect me, Arthas. No one else. You. So do not think that there is any other man more qualified, because there isn't."
And once again he found himself undone by her words. He had been an arrogant fool once, long ago, and let his worries ruin everything. Not again. Never again.
He kissed her once more, and let his hands wander through her hair, allowing his worries to melt away.
Suddenly a royal priest opened the door and entered, oblivious to the scene playing out before her. The two tore apart, startled.
"Prince Arthas, Lady Jaina, good morning. Your highness, now that Miss Proudmoore is awake, your father is adamant that you greet him properly."
"Of course. You may tell him I will
be there post-haste." He flashed a grin that made the woman blush.
"Arthas, you have not yet seen your father?" Jaina asked, astonished.
"His highness has not left your bedside all night, Lady Proudmoore." The healer said, examining her wound.
Jaina blushed.
"How is she?" Arthas inquired.
"She has no fever or signs of poisoning, and the swelling has gone down. Whatever was in the poison has been neutralized by the antidote."
"Thank the Light." He breathed.
"My lady, it seems your injury has stirred some commotion down below." She smiled. "I suspect the townspeople will want to know that you are okay." Confused, she sat up and peered out the window.
Below, a crowd of people buzzed with anticipation.
She carefully arose from the bed, taking Arthas' arm as he led her to the balcony, where a wave of sweet fragrance overtook them.
Flower petals cascaded from above as the cheers echoed through the kingdom. Distant bells resonated throughout the land to tell of their triumphant return. People had lined the streets to see the mage and their beloved prince.
The gleam of the sun caught Arthas' mighty hammer as he raised it above his head to rally his people. The cheers increased and he let out a hearty laugh, which made Jaina smile.

Soon they went back inside, dressed, and made for the throne room.
The room was spacious, and very tall. It was circular, with two hallways on either side of the throne itself. In the center of the floor was the seal of Lordaeron, carved in black stone and trim with marble.
Arthas placed his hammer on the seal and descended to one knee as his father arose from the throne. He then stood and the pair embraced.
"Ah my son, I knew you would return victorious." Terenas smiled and the skin around his eyes crinkled. "It is wonderful to see you again. Your mother and sister have been worrying for you. And Jaina, I am delighted to see you in good health. Your father has come from Kul Tiras, he is here as well. They're all in the grand room, taking breakfast. But before you go to greet them, let me look at you." The king placed his hands on Arthas' broad shoulders and looked at him with a gaze that only a father who truely loves and respects his son could give.
"You've turned into a fine young man, Arthas. I am so proud of you."
"Thank you father." He smiled.
"And Jaina," He approached her and held her hand. "I'm sure the high council in Dalaran is quite pleased with your heroic actions."
"Thank you. They are, your highness." She smiled.
"Now both of you, go see everyone. I'll join you in a moment."
The two met with their families and were bombarded with inquiries and expressions of their worry over a banquet of posh breakfast foods. Everyone spoke of their relief and even Admiral Proudmoore commended his daughter on her impeccable fighting skill.
"She gets it from her mother." He laughed.
King Terenas soon joined the families in their reunion. And after the initial commotion had begun to wind down, and everyone had eaten, Arthas and Jaina silently agreed it was time to tell their news.
"Attention everyone, we have a grand announcement." Arthas stood at the end of the long dining table and took a breath. Jaina joined him, and smiled as they clasped their hands together. "Jaina and I are engaged." He said, smiling back at her, joy radiating from him.
King Terenas and his wife both exclaimed in joy. Caila gasped and Jaina's father stood to embrace his daughter.
"You've chosen well, my boy." Terenas slapped his son on the back.
Queen Lianne hugged him.
"Treat her well." Her voice warbled as she embraced him.
"I always knew you two lovebirds would end up together." Calia smiled and hugged Jaina. Then she turned to Arthas. "Remember what I said about your kids." Arthas flushed red and Terenas laughed.
"Welcome to the family, son." Daelin Proudmoore shook Arthas' hand and patted him on the back.
"Have you chosen a date?" The royal's mother asked. He looked at the mage and her nod assured him.
"We are to marry in the spring." He grinned a face-splitting grin.
"Well, then we must prepare immediately!" The king exclaimed, becoming remarkably lively. "Quickly! Inform the bakers! Give word to the florists! Summon Uther and gather the royals! Tell them my son is to marry on the first bright day of spring!"

Word of the prince of Lordaeron's engagement spread like wildfire. The two were to be wed in the town chapel, where Arthas was inducted to the Silver Hand many years ago.
Everyday since the official announcement, the castle was a bustling hostel of preparation. Servants were running around wildly, and the happy couple was constantly overwhelmed with the planning and decision making. It seemed like there was never a dull moment. It reminded Arthas of the beehives he used to see in the Silverpine forest during his rides in his youth.
And of course there were topics swimming around the rumor mill, such as the possibility of Jaina being pregnant, mostly fueled by jealous concubines and brooding peasant men.
But such things were minuscule in the eyes of the royal family, and as Arthas' mother had so delicately put it, "The time would come when it did."
Jaina and Calia were once again fitted for dresses, like during Winter Veil, only this time, Arthas would not be seeing her in the dress before the ceremony.
And King Terenas had spent every spare second his son had giving him advice on marrige and fatherhood.
"And Arthas, I want to meet my grandchildren, so get going, will you boy?" The king laughed.
"Very funny, father." Arthas said, flatly.
"Oh, I'm being coy. Though, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a hint of sincerity."
"That's actually what I wanted to ask you about father... Did you ever feel like you weren't ready?" Arthas looked to the aging man.
The king sighed.
"All good men feel they are not ready." He said, his advice mimicking Uther's. "It's just how it is, my son. But from the moment your mother said 'I do', I knew I had made the right decision, because I love her, and she I. And I saw that same bond in you and Jaina, even when you were small." The king smiled fondly at him. "You'll be fine, my son."
   Arthas smiled at the aging king.
   "Thank you, father."

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