A Good Husband

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"Three cheers for the happy couple!" Marwynn exclaimed, raising a mug of mead as the company cheered.
Arthas and Jaina revealed their engagement early that morning over breakfast, and it had set the whole brigade abuzz.
Now they were no longer just escorting a prince and a lady, but the future king and queen of Lordaeron. After the celebrations, everyone mounted up to continue their journey back. They could spare no time delivering the two to the kingdom.

As they made their way through Arathi territory, the ancient winds of the Highlands toyed with Jaina's fair locks, and Arthas couldn't help but stare once more.
How beautiful she was, this strong, astounding woman that had agreed to be his forever. He was the luckiest man alive.
"Close your mouth your highness, you're drooling." Falric paced his horse with the Prince's, taking full advantage of the opportunity to tease the smitten man. Jaina caught his lustful eye, and laughed as she willed her horse farther ahead of his.
Arthas playfully shoved his faithful servant and laughed.
"Can you blame me, Fal?" The king-to-be sighed. "She is the light that makes my life bright, and she is mine forever..."
"Should've sent a poet." Another guard remarked.
"Oh get out of here, you sob." Arthas laughed.
"Ahh!" Suddenly a man's scream of terror echoed from far ahead.
The platoon went into battle formation, with the king's son stationed in the center.
"Protect the prince!" Falric hollered.
"Come on!" Arthas urged. Jaina had gone too far ahead unprotected, and was nowhere in sight.
When they finally reached her, they came to quite a picture.
The mage sat casually on her horse, a thief dangling in mid-air just above her head, suspended by a spherical prison of glowing violet arcane magic.
Everyone relaxed, except for Arthas, who charged forward to attend to Jaina.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"
She giggled. "I appreciate your worry, Arthas, but I am capable of protecting myself from one measly rogue."
He searched her eyes for a moment, then, satisfied, the paladin turned his attention to the floating criminal.
"Please, Prince Arthas, I beg of you, have mercy." The man trembled.
"Oh? And would you have shown her the same mercy you ask so willingly of me?"
"Please, your highness!"
"Who do you work for?" Arthas narrowed his abyssal eyes.
"No one!"
"Okay, okay. I work fo-" Suddenly, a dagger came hurling out of the forest, and struck the man in the neck, killing him.
Instantly a dozen rogues appeared from the shadows and attacked.
"Formation!" Marwynn and Falric yelled in unison.
"Arthas look out!" Jaina shouted. The paladin turned and swung his mighty hammer as a rogue lunged at him from behind.
Another flying dagger cut the reigns on Jaina's horse, which scared the great creature, and caused it to buck her off the seat, throwing her to the ground.
Suddenly she was grabbed by two masked rogues amidst the chaos, and they began to tie handkerchiefs around her hands and mouth. She was defenseless.
Arthas, until now, distracted by the foolish cons daring to attack him and his men, heard Jaina's muffled scream, and whipped his head around to see her being quickly hauled onto a large black horse and carried away into the forest.
Enraged at the sight, he willed Invicible to turn and charged into the brush. The obedient steed trampled over the attackers and delivered Arthas as fast as his hooves could.
He followed closely behind the men, and when he was within a close distance, Arthas leapt from Invincible's back and swung his hammer, knocking away one of the thieves. The other, startled by the sudden ambush, fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Desperate, he scrambled to his feet and unsheathed a pair of daggers, ready to defend himself.
The prince admired his will, though redundant it was, and pulled his greatsword from his waist, slashing relentlessly at the man that dare harm the woman he loved.
The rogue fought valiantly, though he was no match for the young paladin. The prince's attack speed increased as his desire to protect Jaina eclipsed all his thoughts, and with one final strike, his broadsword bit deep into the man's shoulder.
Mortally wounded, the rogue stumbled backwards and collapsed against a tree, where Arthas loomed over him, warm blood dripping from his weapon.
With a final move, he ran him through, watching the life leech from his eyes.
He then pulled his sword out from the man, and rushed to untie Jaina, who was still sitting on the idle horse.
"Are you hurt?" He asked as he tore away the cloth wrapped around her mouth.
She wordlessly showed him her hand, which had been cut by a poisoned dagger during the commotion, and was now swelling and turning red.
He stared wide-eyed at her injury. Small perhaps, but Light knows what is in the poison those damn rogues make. Anything to kill faster, that was the guideline.
"Arthas..." Her voice was soft. "I feel... faint." Her eyelids sagged down, and soon all she saw was black.
"Jaina? Jaina!" His voice echoed from somewhere far away.
Arthas appeared from within the dense forest, dirty and smeared with blood, Jaina lying limp over his horse.
The brigade had been recovering, and now, at the sight of them, were gaining their resolve.
He approached them slowly, so not to injure Jaina more. Invicible somehow knew this, and took care to take softer steps.
Everyone stared in anticipation at the prince, until Marwynn asked the question they all feared to vocalize.
"Is she... dead?"
"No." Arthas replied, his face stony, careful to conceal his own fears. "She is breathing, but she is cold." He lifted her hand carefully. "She was cut by a poisoned dagger. She can be tended to in Lordaeron, but no time can be wasted. We don't know what these toxins can do."
As everyone remounted, Arthas leaned in close to Falric.
"Status report, Falric." He muttered.
"Three injured your highness, not mortally, but they cannot fight. We're less than a day's ride from Lordaeron. If we make haste, we should be there by sundown." The prince considered this, and spoke.
"I want a group to stay behind and clean up these bodies. Report on any other activity you see. The rest of you, with me. My father is expecting us, preferably in one piece."
He rode on, refusing to look at Jaina, for it would only upset him. How could he possibly be a good husband if he could not protect his wife?
No, he couldn't think about that now. Right now, he needed to save Jaina.

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