One Shot #5- McGregor

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This scene is from before the story started. During the time of the 1st Alina.


“Who do you work for?”

“You, sir,” I replied head bowed, not daring to look up.

“And what do I pay you to do?”

“Advise your son to finish his studies so that he will be ready to marry Mistress Richmond and accept the crown,” I said.

“Exactly. You are bound to this job, this family and my son until that is done. And you know I will not accept your failure to do that,” King Traviz hissed from above.

“Yes, sir,” I responded.


My back straightened and I met his gaze full on. As expected, it wasn’t pleased. A tiny seed of fear embedded itself in me for a moment.

“McGregor, the Traviz family is only the second most powerful royal family in the world. When I married my wife we agreed that we would have three children. Two of them would help build alliances with other cities while one would make us a part of the most powerful royal family in the world.”

“Yes. I know, sir.”

“It was meant to be. It was fate. God blessed us with triplets. Imagine that, all three heirs born at once and they all survived the birth. It was a sign. Even more perfect, years later the Richmonds had twin babies and one of them was a girl. You see? So far fate has set everything up so that this union would happen. All we need is for you to keep Damien in line and make sure that he doesn’t stray. Is that really so hard for you to do?”

“No sir.”

“Wonderful. Now go see to him. I’m sure he off doing something that I disapprove of,” he sighed, disappointment lacing his every word.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“And McGregor?” he added, “If my son decides for whatever reason not marry Raine Richmond, I’m going to have your head stuffed and mounted on that wall over there. Am I clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

I turned and left the room as quickly as possible. The moment the large, oak doors echoed shut behind me, I gave a worried sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. If it were any other prince in the world, my job would have been easy. Unfortunately I was assigned to the most difficult prince in Europe. I blamed Cookie for this. That bloody maid raised him to think independently and too much so. It made my job one hundred times harder.

What was I supposed to do now? There had never been a time where King Traviz made a death threat and didn’t go through with it. He was a force to be reckoned with and I found myself chewing on my nails and waiting for the panic to settle. I swore out loud, running my fingers through my hair once more. A passing maid gave me a disapproving glare and I apologized.

I heard a sudden shriek followed by giggles. Found them. Walking over to the balcony, I looked down into the courtyard. Alina was spinning in circles as the orange, red and yellow leaves fell all around her. It was an amazing sight considering her bright red hair. Damien was sitting at a tree holding a book in his hands but not reading a word of it. He smiled as he looked at her.

This girl was the main source for my worry and sleepless nights. It was my job to get Damien to do his studies and she found every way possible for him to get distracted. I was sure that she spent every night making a grand list of things to preoccupy the boy.

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