One Shot #6- Damien (Bonus Chapter)

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(This scene takes place after Alina dies in Chapter 40 and before she enters her afterlife.)


“You can’t do this,” I hissed.

“Can’t I?” father quirked a brow, “I’m King. I would think that meant I could do as I pleased.”

“You’ve turned into a tyrant. A selfish, conscienceless tyrant.”

“Perhaps. But this selfish, conscienceless tyrant has your best interests at heart.”

“Oh so is that why you killed my child?” I asked.

He didn’t say a word. This was the first time that I had brought it up and he frowned down at me. Shifting in the throne, he stroked his chin. “McGregor told you. So that’s why you never talk to me anymore,” his frown deepened, “I was wondering why but I never guessed.”

“He didn’t tell me and I’m not saying who did,” I told him, “I will never forgive you, but I don’t want to hate you any more than I already do. All I ask is this one thing.”

“And now we’re back to the original question; can the wedding be moved up a date. The answer is no. This is your chance to prove that you are a fit king. You must make the decision. Wedding or funeral. Duty or love. Celebrating the future or the past. It’s your choice. Make the right one.”

“I can’t not go her funeral,” I said catching the crack in my voice before it was heard and masking it.

“You can’t not go to your wedding either. Which one is more important?” he asked.

“I thought I was your favorite?” I changed tactics, “If I’m truly your favorite son then why do you always attack me the most?”

Because you are my favorite, dear boy,” he rose from his chair and came to me, “Don’t you see? I’m hard on you because you’ve gone soft. I want you to be strong again. I want to see the unfeeling, cold young man that I made with my DNA. I want that Damien. The one I can adore. Not the one who wants to run off again for yet another Alina.”

“I understand.” It was a harsh truth, but I did understand.

With a final bow, I left the throne room. Cookie was outside waiting. “What did he say?” she asked. I didn’t reply. That was answer enough.

King Markus Traviz, my adoring father, had set my wedding on the only day that the funeral home was able to go along with the ceremony this week. In two days either I would bury Alina or get married to Raine. It should have been a simple decision. Go to the wedding and get everything over with. Deep down I knew that it would eat me alive for the rest of my life if I never went to her funeral. Or worse, I gave up on her to marry another woman. I knew how to deal with guilt but this was too much for me.

Cookie walked behind me talking but I had drowned her out completely. My face was a blank mask that didn’t hold even a shadow of emotion. This was the Damien Traviz that father wanted. This was the man who he wanted to hold the family’s power. This Damien didn’t feel, didn’t love, didn’t react, didn’t know an irrational decision if he saw one, didn’t know how to be common. He was the Damien who was around before the first Alina. He was a cold, clear minded ruler-to-be with a vision. All brains no heart. Worthy royalty.

I should have listened while I had the chance. Father warned me about her. ‘Love doesn’t exist but it blinds those who believe its existence’ he said. I could have kept my heart to myself where it would be safe and unscarred. Even as I thought it, I knew the bitter thoughts were just that. Bitter. They weren’t true. If I could rewind time, the only thing I’d do differently was spend more time with Alina. I loved her too much to cut her off if I had the chance. She had taught me to feel and that wasn’t something I could relinquish if I could go back. Every minute with her had been something special.

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