Chapter Two

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My eyes kept drifting back to the circular, white clock on the wall beside me. I watched as the hands moved the slightest inch and I sighed. I was still looking at it when I heard someone smack something down on my counter and a perky, happy voice pulled me away from looking at the clock.

"What's better out of Impossible Mission, or Taylor's Bucket List?" The voice asked.

I looked down at the till. "I don't know.."

"You work here don't you?"

I looked back at the clock. Why isn't this customer at Emma's counter? I never said I wanted any at my counter. I hate people. Which is one of the many reasons I hate working here. I hate having to face people of the public and make conversation with them and pretend to care about their lives.

"Doesn't mean I've watched every movie they show here." I snapped, still looking at the clock as if watching the hands move will make them go faster and I'll finally be allowed to leave.

"Woah, sorry then Mr. Grumpy. I'll have one ticket to Taylor's Bucket List then. Thanks." The voice replied, handing me a $10 note. I snatched it and placed it in the till and snorted. "One ticket? Do you not have any friends?"

The ticket printed and I handed it to the customer, and looked up.

And I froze.

Standing on the other side of my counter was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I know I shouldn't be thinking things like this seeing as I just got out of a relationship, and I'm still not over Emma. But this girl is stunning. She was like all the most prettiest things I could think of combined into one. Think of a warm, fresh, summer's day where the sky is a clear, bright blue and the trees are a deep green and you just want to stand outside for ages and process it all because it's just so beautiful. This girl was like that. I literally couldn't take my eyes off her.

She had hazel brown straight hair that came to just below her shoulders and the most prettiest blue eyes. She had a short nose that went slightly upwards at the end and puffy cheeks. But what got me was her smile. The fact she was even smiling after I was just rude towards her was weird, but her smile was fantastic. 100 times better than Emma's cute smile. This girl had thin, bright pink lips that looked magically soft and dimples. The girl had dimples. Dimples that stretched to her cheeks and emphasised her gorgeous smile. She grabbed the ticket and looked me straight in the eye.

"I don't have much friends." She said in a nonchalant way. Like having no friends was fine.

"Why not?" I asked.

The smile that was still stretched across her face slightly drooped. "Well," she started. "Not many people want to be friends with someone who has cancer."

Somehow, I don't know how, but I let go of the till and it came crashing down to the floor. Everyone in the room went silent and all eyes went to me and this girl. She looked around her shoulder awkwardly and then back at me.

"Um, are you okay?"

She has cancer? But how? How can someone so beautiful have something so deadly? And why doesn't this disease bother her?

"Tristan! What's going on?" Brad yelled at me from across the room where he was putting up another movie poster.

"Tristan? Nice name." The girl said.

"Is everything okay?" Emma asked. "How did the till fall down?"

I awkwardly picked up the till and placed it back on the counter. Everyone seemed to be happy now as the chatter started up again, and I gulped before looking back at the girl. The smile was still on her face, and she looked back at me.

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