Chapter Three

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"Tell me a bit about yourself, Tristan." I heard Lorna say from beside me. I looked at her and saw that she was still looking up at the screen, but clearly waiting for me to answer.

"Um, there's not much to say really."

"Oh come on. Everyone has a story."

"Well, I just came out of a relationship that lasted two years."

"Oh really? I'm sorry. Who with?"

"It was actually with the girl at the other counter."

Lorna sat up. "Seriously? And you still work with her?"

"Well, I can't exactly ask her to leave."

"You could quit."

"Believe me, I would if I could."

"What's holding you back?" She asked me.

I looked at the screen. Taylor was currently skydiving off some huge cliff, so I turned to Lorna again. "I need the money.."


"Because? I always need money for something." I said.

"Do you have a car?"


"Do you have a child?"

My eyes went wide. "No!"

"Well then, you don't really need the money. You just want it. I say if you're not happy working here, quit. It's not like you won't survive." Lorna said calmly before lying back down. "Plus, you could get away from your ex."

"Why do I need to get away from her?"

"Because she's just this reminder of what you used to have. Nobody wants the past hanging around them for eternity. Ditch her and your past and move on."

Something deep inside me changed. I felt it. I understood where Lorna was coming from and I actually agreed with it. I agreed with her opinion. She was right. I sat up and faced her. "You're right." I said.

I saw her smile. "I know. Gosh." Then she gave a small laugh which made me laugh.

"This is nice. This."

Lorna looked up at me. "Yeah. It's nice to share this with someone finally. This will probably sound weird but would you like to be my friend, Tristan? I mean, I understand if you don't want to get close to me and-"

"Yes. Definitely." I interrupted and she smiled. She didn't look at me. Her eyes stayed glued to the screen but her smile got wider and I swear, over the loud noise from the movie, I heard her whisper, 'yay'.


"You quit?" Brad repeated. "What the hell?"

Emma's ears perked up and she looked at me as I spoke to Brad after the movie. Lorna clung to my arm grinning. "He quits!" She yelled.

"Um, hang on......why?" Brad asked.

I shrugged.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes! He is! He quits!" Lorna cried.

"Who are you?" Brad asked, turning to Lorna.

"Yeah. Who are you?" I heard another voice say.

I looked up and saw Emma standing beside Brad. A very annoyed and curious look on her face. I was about to tell her the truth, about how Lorna and I were just friends, when I felt a hand grab my jaw and turn it sharply. Then, I felt a pair of lips crash against mine and I swear the whole world stopped. The lips pulled away and Lorna threaded her arm through mine once more.

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