Chapter 7

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          Today’s the day we go to find Kunio. Today’s the day Ai will be avenged. Today’s the day-

          “You are staying here, Phoenix! You’re sick!” Naruto shouted at me as he sat me back down on my bed.

          “I’m fine! I’m not sick and I am go-” A sneeze cut me off and I groaned, knowing that he was right. I was sick, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t go and watch, “I could ride Akamaru with Kiba. I don’t have to do anything, but I HAVE to go.” Another sneeze to finish the sentence.

          “Kiba’s not going.”

          “What!? Why!? You’re going to need his and Akamaru’s sense of smell to find him though when you get there.”

          “We’ve got Kakashi-sensei’s ninja hounds for that. Kiba’s on another mission.”

          “Mission? What mission?”

          “To keep you here.” Said person appeared at the door leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, “Just got the memo.”

          “That’s a waste of a mission then because I’m not staying here while Naruto and his team risk their lives for me!”

          “Well, too bad. You’re staying here whether you like it or not.” Akamaru appeared from behind Kiba, trotting inside and hopping up on the bed beside me and lay down.


          “No buts! You’re staying here because you’re sick and we’re trying to protect you.” A voice outside the room called out to Naruto telling him to come one, “That’s my cue. We’ll be back soon. See ya!” He waved as he ran past Kiba and was gone. I huffed, crossing my arms in a pout before I sneezed again. Kiba shut the door once he was sure that Naruto was gone and came over to join me.

          “You know, for a moment there, I thought you didn’t want to spend any time with me. ALONE time I might add.” A wolfish grin followed this as he also snaked his arm around me.

          I pulled away from him, “No, I don’t want to get you sick.”

          “Phoenix, please. The only disease I’ve caught from you is-”

          NO! Don’t say that! It’s so cheesy!” I hid my face in my hands as I sneezed again, feeling him pull m into him again.

          “Alright, I won’t say it, but don’t worry about me. I’m more worried about you getting worse…I think you’ve got a fever.” He felt my forehead to conform it, “Yeah, a little one. Why don’t you get some sleep?”

          Akamaru moved as I turned and climbed under the covers again. Kiba laid down too, but on top of the covers instead. Akamaru lay between us, his head rested on top of my legs. I wrapped the blankets up around myself, closed my eyes in defeat. I suddenly had no energy to fight back and try to leave to follow Naruto and the others. Instead, I gave in and let Kiba just take care of me today.

          “Just get some rest, Phoenix. I’ll be here when you wake up.” I smiled, snuggling into him a little as I let sleep take over.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

          This dream was different than any I’d had before. I was not myself and saw through another’s eyes. They were flying through the trees, jumping from branch to branch. There were two people in front of them, but I couldn’t tell who because it was dark. They traveled for a while and then that dreaded howl sounded from below, a howl I knew well. The shadows moved and he appeared, leaping up from the forest floor and tackling the two in front of the person who’s eyes I looked through.

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