Egg Stealers

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This is a very short chapter, just a filler, to show how the same mind works a lot. The next chapter will have more action.

In the Present:

Ginny put down the phone and sighed.

"Well, that was an interesting conversation," Harry said.

"You got that right. Com'on, let's go met Ron and Hermione." Ginny and Harry walked out of the room and found Ron and Hermione sitting at the table, already eating eggs.

"Really, Ron? You feel so comfortable in our house that you even feel free to eat without us?" Ginny asked.

"Don't look at me!" Hermione laughed, as Ginny turned to her. "I said that we should wait, but he.." Ginny shook her head. She took eggs right off Ron's plate.

"Heweeee!" Ron said through a mouth of food. Harry stole right from Ginny.

"Harrryyyyy!" Ginny whined.

"Sorry, love." They all settled into comfortable conversation. Ron, Ginny, and Harry debating about Quidditch, and Hermione was already on her phone, calling the ministry to set up everyone to look for the kids. She was getting more and more frantic and the conversation went on.

"What is it, Hermione?" Ginny asked her distressed friend.

"Ethel, my secretary," Here Ron scowled, "Said the only time turner was the one Harry found in Nott's office!" Hermione cried.

"We'll figure it out, Hermione," Ron said, slipping an arm around her shoulders. Just then, Harry stood up.

"I got it!" He shouted.

"Got what, mate?" Ron asked.

"I know how to get the kids back!"

*Ducks Another Pillow*

I'm so mean. The same cliffhanger again! As my friend would say: Mia hahaha. Get it? Next time, I'll answer the cliffhanger. What do you guys think is the way the Time Travelers get back home? Comment, and I will give a shout-out to the person who gets closest. I'll use another of my friends' sayings.

Goodbye Peoples of the Earth!


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