A Kettle on Peter Pan

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This is a bit of a filler chapter, written for the fun of writing. 

Mrs. Weasley was the first to break the silence.

"I'm going to put a kettle on. Who would like some tea?" she asked, clearly trying to ease the tension. Younger Ron, Hermione, Harry, Bill, and Ginny were looking at their older selves, feeling completely awkward. It's not everyday that you in the future stops by for a visit. Older Ginny let go of her family.

"Yes, Mum. That sounds lovely. I hardly get a moment's breather." Older Ginny replied, standing up. Mrs. Weasley turned to the stove, and began to put a kettle on. She looked at her younger self, and smiled. "Hello, young me." Younger Ginny was too stunned to answer.

"Um, Hello?" Younger Ginny managed. Older Ginny laughed at her confusion. She remembered being so stunned at seeing her older self. She wasn't the only one. Younger Hermione too was looking at herself with some kind of awe. Younger Ron and Harry were still glued to the wall. Not Literally.

"So, why don't we sit down." Older Hermione mentioned, "And then we can have a nice talk." Everyone sat back down in their spots, most of the people from the past still in too much shock to talk. Lily sat on her mother's lap.

"Mummy, how was the Ball?" Lily asked. Older Ginny inwardly groaned. She hated Balls, and knew Harry did as well. The press was obsessed with their life, and Ginny and Harry were obsessed with getting the press to stop being obsessed with their life. It was a battle they were not going to win anytime soon.

"It was fine. We saw Luna and Rolf, Neville and Hannah were there too, and we just happened to see Draco." Older Ginny said with a knowing look to Rose, who was sitting by her mother. Rose blushed beet red.

"Aww, is ickle Rosiekins embarrassed? The father of the LLLLOOOOVVVVEEEE of her life was there, maybe he even had Scorpius with him?" James taunted Rose, who recovered herself in no time and slapped James on the face. "Hey!"

"Well, it's not MY fault you're so annoying."

"It's not MY fault that you LOVE Scorpius." James shot back.

"Oh Merlin, James. Can't you just GROW UP???"

"Never!" James said gleefully.

"You're not Peter Pan, James." Rose sighed.

"What's Peter Pan?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"No." James was getting near yelling.



"WHO ARE YOUR PARENTS?" Rose stopped abruptly, looking at Older Harry and Ginny. "Sorry, Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny." Older Harry nodded, looking amused. Younger Ron looked confused.

"Wait, who's Peter Pan?" Younger Ron asked. Older Hermione and Rose facepalmed at the same time.

"He's a Disney Character." Younger Hermione supplied.

"Thank you, me." Older Hermione smiled at herself. Merlin, that was weird to say.

"What's Disney?" All of the Weasleys chorused.

"Something I really don't want to-" Older Hermione was interrupted by Mrs. Weasley.

"The tea's ready! I would suggest you drink it before it gets cold." Mrs. Weasley sat down with them. "So, how's life in the future?"

"Does George play a lot of pranks?" Fred asked, coming forward from the back of the room where he had stayed. All of the adult Time Travelers looked towards him, sadness etched into their faces.

"Yes." Older Harry said, smiling a little. "He does. Also, Molly? Life's good. I even have a tee shirt that says that!" Everyone laughed.

Please comment below! I LOVE reading what you have to say about the story. This is a little funny, but you know when you first open up Wattpad, and see the red circle next to Notifications? The excitiment you (well, me for sure) feel when you know you have a new comment, follower, vote, or new part to your favorite story? I just had to say that. 

Until Next Time! <3 Mia

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