Going Back

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400+ views?????? THANK YOU, READERS! I didn't expect this when I started writing. Thank you all so much for sticking with this story, commenting and voting! You are awesome! 

In the Present:

"Got what, mate?" Ron asked.

"Priori Incantatem!" Harry exclaimed. "We use Lily's phone to call the past to let them know, that preform it on the sand that seeped out of the time turner. The charm undoes whatever the object last did. It will repair the time turner, and then we go to the past as well"

"Brilliant." Ron went back to his breakfast.

"It is! Why didn't I think of it?" Hermione exclaimed. "It's so obvious!"

"Hermione, chill!" Ginny said. Hermione took a big breath.

"Okay. I'm calm now." Hermione said. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's try it!"

"Buwer imer eareerrtring mwf brewsfas!" Ron protested, mouth full of food. "Ahm, but I'm eating my breakfast!"

"Would you rather have breakfast or the kids back, Ron?" Hermione asked, narrowing her eyes. Ron seemed to realize the one correct answer. Unfortunately, it wasn't breakfast.

"Kids, of course dear, now let's go!" Ron hastily said, bounding out of his seat, and pulling Hermione into the sitting room where the sand was.

"Really, Ronald?" Harry and GInny heard Hermione say. Both laughed.

"We really ought to follow them." Harry said, and they went to where Ron and Hermione were. "Alright, who should perform the Charm?"

"Ginny." Hermione replied.

"Why me?" Ginny asked, she had assumed that Harry would be the one to do it.

"You're the one who remembers it."

"Fine." Ginny said, and took out her wand. "But why doesn't Harry do it with me. More magical power?" Harry nodded and pulled out his wand too. "And you, Hermione and Ron. All of us together."

"One..." Ron began counting down.

"Two..," Hermione continued.

"Three.." Harry finished.

"Priori Incantatem!" All four voices cried. Four bursts of blue light sped towards the sand. Slowly, a time turner began to form. First the hourglass, then the dial, finally the chain.

"We did it!" Ginny ran towards the time turner that would save them. "We need to let Bill and Fleur know, I'll floo call them." She went to the fireplace.

"Shell Cottage!" And with a burst of green light, Ginny's head went into the fire. "Hey, Bill, Fleur, Nicky, Louis, we found a time turner! Get over here!" Ginny pulled her head out of the fire, and Hermione put the time turner, waiting for Bill and Fleur. When the arrived, Hermione began to spin it. 26 times.

"Wait!" Bill cried, and with a lunge, grabbed his family and touched the chair at the last minute, slightly behind the others. The family disappeared with a flash.

This story is going to a have a few more chapters, but is coming to a close. 

<3 Mia

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