Golden Opportunities

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, we traveled to the illusive Lavender Town. The twenty-five players ventured through Pokémon Tower. New friendships formed and old rivalries continued. In the end, the three new teams were formed: The Destructive Dialgas, The Perilous Palkias, and lastly, The Gargantuan Giratinas! However, poor Trubbish was last to escape the tower and without a team, she was eliminated. However, she was happy to finally have made a friend. Now that the teams are set the game is in full swing! We've got the most epic challenge today, here on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!

(Theme song; In the Dialgas part of first class)

Pachirisu: Another chocolate chip cookie? Yes please! (Takes one from Glaceon as she leaves)

Piplup: It may not be as good as the spa hotel but first class is pretty sweet.

Turtwig: Yeah. Definetly.

Piplup: The only downside is being on a team with Charmander.

Charmander: Excuse me?

Chimchar: Yeah Piplup, I couldn't agree more!

(In confessional)
Piplup: What? I can hold grudges. Charmander was rude to me last season.

(In confessional)
Charmander: As one of the best players, I gotta win all the challenges. I'll need an alliance if I don't want to be the first booted, which duh I obviously won't be.

Charmander: Hey Togedemaru, what's up. How about forming an alliance?

Togedemaru: A, nothing much and B, not interested.

Charmander: Grrr. (To Absol) Oh hey Absol, form an alliance with me and I'll take you all the way.

Absol: I'm not interested in any alliance just yet.

Charmander: (mutters) Of course you aren't.

(In the Palkias section)

Fennekin: Hey Vulpix, whatcha up to?

Vulpix: Finishing my designs on the newest fashion trends. I'm working on making the next big thing.

Fennekin: That's cool, I love pokemon fashion!How about a bow?

Vulpix: Bows are so last year. I'm working on a scarf.

Fennekin: Oh, that's cool too.

Psyduck: I've got something cool. (Gives Vulpix ice cubes and she shrieks) You're welcome.

Cyndaquil: Um Psyduck, you're not on our team.

Psyduck: Oh... My bad! (Goes back to the Dialgas section)

Primeape: (to Sawk) That Psyduck, what an idiot huh?

Sawk: (folds arms) If you say so.

(In confessional)
Sawk: I'm being careful what I say to others. In this type of show, anyone could eavesdrop and ruin your chances.

Bulbasaur: I never thought chairs could be so cozy.

Squirtle: Ahh, you sure said it.

Bulbasaur: (sees Chikorita) Poor Chikorita. She seems so depressed without Chespin

(At the Giratinas section)

Total Drama Pokémon 2: Regional TourWhere stories live. Discover now