Sinnoh's Got Talent

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, our competitors got the full athlete experience after competing in an actual pokeathelon! They had their physique tested in many events. Some highlights were, Togedemaru kicking butt with a dueling stick, Mudkip and Lycanroc acing the laser challenge and Psyduck getting the best of Primeape. In the end, The Destructive Dialgas were victorious, earning the first class seating. On the other hand The Perilous Palkias had to send someone packing and it was none other than Primeape, who was causing more harm than good to everyone with his anger issues. So, with two down and too many more to go, find out who gets to skydive today, now on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!

(Theme song; In Economy Class B)

Raichu: (Over speaker system) Wakey, Wakey boys and girls! We will be landing at our next destination in just ten minutes!

Vulpix: Oh, I can't take it! I need more sleep.

Fennekin: No kidding. I think we all do (yawns)

Cyndaquil: Well, no sense in fighting it. (Stands up) Gah, my back hurts after sleeping up against a wall.

Bulbasaur: Stupid economy class.

Sawk: Here Cyndaquil, let me karate chop your back into position.

Cyndaquil: Won't that hurt? I think I'm good. (Sawk strikes his back) Ow...Wow, that did the trick! Thanks.

Sawk: Not a problem.

(In confessional)
Sawk: Unfortunately this show isn't all about skill. It's also about strategy and alliances so I'll need guys on my good side to win.

Squirtle: I wonder how the others are doing.

(In Economy Class A)

Chespin: Eew, I think I just saw a rat go by!

Mudkip: That's not nice! Ratatta's are Pokémon too you know.

Chespin: No I mean like a rat, rat. An animal rat that cannot talk.

Mudkip: Oh. (Pauses) Yeah, eww.

Snivy: Okay we better win this next challenge because I for one refuse to sleep sitting up.

Lycanroc: Agreed. It's especially uncomfortable and weird for us four legged guys too.

Mudkip: Yeah...

Litten: (graffiting the wall) There. Perfect!

Popplio: What's that? Some weird blob?

Litten: No, it's an abstract piece of art!

(In confessional)
Litten: What kind of critic does that Popplio guy think he is!? He better watch his back!

(In confessional)
Popplio: I was just trying to ease my way into a conversation to make a new friend. Oh well I guess.

(In first class)

Charmander: We've got only a few more minutes of relaxation.

Chimchar: Yeah but let's make the most of it. (Reclines back in his chair)

Psyduck: Hey guys, I found a pokey weapon thingy.

Togedemaru: Yeah, that's a fork Psyduck.

Psyduck: Oh, my bad.

Togedemaru: (to himself) I'm surprised they let that guy on the show.

Turtwig: How was your breakfast Piplup?

Piplup: Adequate, I guess. Steak was a little fatty! Hey Glaceon get me a new one.

Turtwig: You do realize we are about to land right? (Sees Absol) Oh hey Absol, you okay?

Total Drama Pokémon 2: Regional TourWhere stories live. Discover now