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I must've had literal love hearts in my eyes because when I walked trough the door for English Ms. Luna told me to come talk to her. She pulled me to the side of the room even though I was the first one there and said, "What's with your lovey-dovey look? Did something happen with Ellie!" She said almost a little too excitedly. I looked at her and I still couldn't speak so I just nodded like an idiot. She almost squealed but she had to keep her teacher closure. So she just said, "Well Max, congratulations!" I suddenly snapped out of my daze. I said, "Oh and by the way, can I get out of class this morning so I can go talk to Mr. Sarden?" She looked at me and her jaw almost dropped, "So you're going to tell him?" "It's the best option with tomorrow being the last day." She nodded her head and said, "Well, just play it smart okay? Stay safe." She looked worried. I nodded my head and said, "Of course."

I walked to the principals office and opened the door. When I walked through the door the floor squeaked. The woman at the receptionist desk smiled, you could tell it was not a real smile. She asked in a very nasally voice, "What can I help you with darling?" I walked up to the woman. I saw that her desk chair was pulled all the way up and her feet were dangling off the edge. The name plate on her desk said (I'm not even joking) Ms. Little. I held in my smile and said, "I'm here to see Mr. Sarden please." She reached over on her desk and picked up her phone. She called someone and started yelling about the principal. She waves me over to the seats where the parents normally sit if they are picking up their kids. I walked over and sat down. I immediately started looking around the room. This had become a habit of mine because I had always liked to look at things and find small details that no one else bothered to look for. There was a corkboard on the wall that had sports stuff, newspaper clippings of the basketball team, pictures of the Nordic team winning trophies, and some really cool shots during soccer captured right when someone hit the ball in the air to score. I looked really closely at the grains in the corkboard noticing every little detail. I did this very often, I would stare at something and imagine the most absurd things about what I was looking at. And then I would look an inch away from it and imagine things about that certain spot. While Ms. Little was on the phone I did this with every inch of the corkboard. I then moved to the brick walls and so on. She finally got off the phone and she sighed and rolled her eyes. She looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Sarden isn't available at the moment, I can either take a message or you can come back at the end of the day hun." My blood boiled, I hate the word hun, it's like it would taker her too long to simply say 'Max'. I hid my anger and nodded my head. I told her i would come back later and I walked out of the room and went to my locker. I sat down on the floor and leaned against it. I wasn't going to bother going back to English and I knew Ms. Luna wouldn't care. I wiped my hands down my face and sighed loudly. I pulled my knees up to my face and tilted my head back so I was looking at the ceiling. I would've started daydreaming about the ceiling if I hadn't had so many other thoughts running through my head.

I closed my eyes and breathed in and out slowly focusing on each breath. I did this for a couple of minutes until I heard the bell ring. It made me jump a little because I was so zoned out. I quickly remembered that I was still at school so I got my stuff ready for my next class

It became study hall eventually so I decided to go back to the principals office. Instead of Mr. Little it was another older woman that was filling in for her because Ms. Little was on lunch break at the time.

I knew her, she is one of the retired teachers so she just substitutes from time to time. She was the substitute every one loved. Her name was Ms. Peters and she was the sweetest woman you could meet. She had curly grey and white hair down to her chin.

"Good morning Ms. Peterson" I said.
"Oh my lord, Max. I haven't seen you since you were a child!" She spoke in a southern accent.
"I know, its been a while... Hey, do you know if Mr. Sarden is available to talk?"
She put up her finger for me to wait and she picked up The phone. While she dialed the numbers I went and sat down in the same chair I had this morning. I kinda zoned out for a minute but I heard the phone click back into its holder, the conversation ended quickly. That could wither be a good thing or a bad thing.

She looked at me and smiled so I knew it was good. She said, "You can go right ahead through that door Max." She pointed her finger to a door across the room. It was the same door I had gone through to get the document for Ellie. My heart started to beat faster and I started to sweat a little. I walked over and went thought the door. Mr. Sarden was sitting at his desk when I walked in. Without looking at me he said, "Max, how are you? Why have you come to see me?" He looked up at me and waited for my reply. I shakily replied, "I'm g-good. But I've come here to-" I was cut of by him snapping wildly. Immediately a row if guards came through the door behind me. They grabbed me underneath my arms and lifted me up so my feet were dangling in the air. "W-what is this for!?" I said. He just chuckled and said, "You'll see."

Haha, cliff hanger city up in here...

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