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Stormtwister's POV
I groaned as we finally got to the top of Redge Hill, the others flinched. I forgot this is where Danny Phantom died...
"So...answer away" I asked.
"What's your name? Before you where 'Stormtwister'?" Sam asked.
"Dale Wright" I answered.
"How long ago since your death day?" Tucker asked.
I rolled my eyes; of course.
"25 years ago ruffly" I answered "I died jumping in front of my girlfriend from a bullet"
"What's your obsession?" Sam asked.
I noticed Dani wasn't talking, but staring at me like I'm a machine, or a puzzle to solve.
"Loyalties; because my loyalty was what made my girlfriend alive today" i said, faking sighing "But I know I'll never see her again..."
I have seen her but I kept quiet, she isn't that sad about my death and she has moved on with another person.
"Don't be like that!" Dani said "We'll fine her"
"Good luck" I muttered.
"Anyway, where's Danny?" Sam snapped.
I put my hands up in surrender.
"Don't get your nickers in a twist, I think he's fine" I said truthfully.
"You think?!?!?" Tucker yelled "That's our friend you're talking about"
I chuckled.
"Well I'm sorry" I sassed "But does it look like I'm with him now?"
"You're so-"
"Irritating? I get that a lot" I said, smirking under the bandana.
"Please just tell us" Dani said, making me freeze.
"Fine; he's at Pariah Dark's castle" I said
"That's not good!" Sam said "Pariah Dark hates Danny after defeating him"
"He should be fine, he stays in my room there; Pariah and all the other ghosts don't even know he's alive. Somehow his aura is hidden by a very strong force" I said.
That is true, Danny loves playing the guitar and singing; he's even wrote some songs.
"What force?" Dani asked.
"I would have told you if I knew!" I snapped, my eyes glowing.
"Sorry..." Sam muttered, annoyed.
I have a feeling she hates me.
'No kidding' a voice in my head said.
I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know, but I think Clockwork has something to with it, but he doesn't want to talk about it" I said, crossing my arms.
"Force him to get his ass ov-"
"No can do missy Sammy, the ghosts will follow him again, do you really want him dead for good?" I asked, with a hint of amusement in my voice.
Sam growled.
"Don't call me that!" She said sternly.
"What are you going to do about it Samantha" I said, laughing as Tucker held her back.
"I'll make sure you-"
"Make me regret that I have unfinished business on earth? Heard it all before from Pariah Dark" I said, smirking.
"Wait, why would he tell you that?" Dani asked.
I flinched at the memories.
"Torture?" Tucker whispered.
I looked away and nodded.
"Blood blossoms is his favourite" I whispered "As well as mental torture"
"I'm sor-"
I turned back to the others, making a death glare at them.
"Would you excuse me, I need to go" I snarled and flew off, leaving them shocked.

Dani's POV
"I didn't mean to upset him" Sam said.
"You should have said that before he left" I muttered, making Tucker snort.
I grinned at him cheekily and smiled.
"NOW, I need to get back to school and where did Bianca go?" I asked, looking around.
"I'm here"
I turned around to see her behind a tree.
"Sorry, I really needed to go to the bathroom,girl stuff" she said, making me and Sam nod while Tucker cringed.
I laughed to myself, since I'm a 'clone' of Danny, the one thing that Vlad didn't get right is my monthly thing....
So I just rub it in Sam's and Bianca's faces as I have puberty without my period.
I snorted, making her glare at me.
"Shut up" she mumbled "Where's Stormtwister?"
"Sam and him made a argument, which made him really angry and left" Tucker answered.
Bianca rolled her eyes.
"Typical Sam" she said, making me laugh.
"You need to get to school before your friends think of something that could make you expelled" Tucker said, making me laugh.
"Bye guys" I said and Bianca and I walked towards the school that's 3 blocks away from the hill.

When we got to the school entrance, Alexia was waiting there, her arms crossed.
"Where were you?" She asked, "I had to hang with the A-listers!"
"But wouldn't you want that though?" Bianca asked.
Alexia narrowed her eyes.
"I thought I wanted to but they're so full of themselves" Alexia said.
"You just figured that out?" I asked, making Bianca laugh.
Alexia rolled her eyes.
"I'm smart you know, I'm the top of advanced maths" she snapped.
"I know that" I said "I didn't mean to insult you but you were up in your little cloud of thinking that they will be friends with you"
"I know, and...I'm sorry for being bitchy lately" she said.
Me and Bianca hugged her.
"I could get used to this" she said, making me laugh as we let go.
I laughed as hard I didn't even realised I turned invisible.
"Um Dani..." Bianca whispered.
I stopped laughing.
"What?" I asked, looking at the shocked Alexia "I'm invisible aren't I?"
I turned back visible making Alexia freeze.
"What the-" she muttered.
I turned around to see a distressed Stormtwister.
"What's up?" I asked.
"That's a ghost..." Alexia shuttered,pointing at Stormtwister.
He rolled his eyes.
"Yes, I am a ghost, and if you haven't figured it out, Dani is a Halfa, like Danny Phantom was" Stormtwister said.
"You're explaintion to why you're here?" Bianca asked.
"You knew too?!!?" Alexia asked, shocked.
"You were to close with the A-listers, they could have hurt you guys" I said.
"JUST LISTEN TO ME!" Stormtwister yelled,making me jump.
"What?" I asked.
"Danny's missing"
"WAIT, WHAT?!!!?"

Third POV- Vlad Master's Mansion
Vlad sighed as he went to the lake near his mansion, letting out a sigh. Ever since that day where he was messing around with Daniel, he can't trust himself anymore. He hasn't let his ghost half out since that day, he hasn't left the grounds of his protected mansion. He only has his cat Maddie and a silver Ferret called little badger, named after what he called Daniel. Heck, he thought he doesn't even deserve to think about him.

When he got within half a mile between him and this lake he heard rocks and splashes. Vlad quietly hid behind the tress as he got closer to the big lake. He saw a young man, maybe around his 20s skidding rocks across the water. He has black hair and tanned skin and he was wearing a white top trimmed with red, jeans and red sneakers. Vlad blinked a lot of times,thinking he's dreaming. 'He can't be here' Vlad thought as he stood behind the young man.
"Go away,this is private property" Vlad said.
"Can't I stay here fruitloop?"
Vlad froze as the teen turned around to reveal a very such alive Danny Fenton.

Vlad was lost for words; how can he be alive?
"Did you miss me?" He asked, crossing his arms and smirking.
Vlad hugged Danny, making Danny surprised.
Tears were falling down his face as he let go of Danny.
"I am so sorry Daniel, I thought I killed you, I understand if you can't ever for-"
"It's fine, I would have come to see you sooner but...there were some complications" Danny said, flinching "Yeah, complications..."
"What happened? How are you...alive?" Vlad asked, still shocked.
"To be honest I don't know, I woke up in Cloakwork's liar 1 years after the accident and he told me that I'm not ghost which confused me. Before he could explain it, the place was attacked and the escaped Control freak put me under his spell...again"
"How did you escape?" Vlad asked.
"Fought the spell, but for the last year...I've been around" Danny answered.
"Doing what?" Vlad asked.
"What do you think?" Danny asked, making Vlad gasped.
"But how!?!?" Vlad exclaimed "And when?!?"
"How ages ago and when...after I find clockwork again; he's missing"
"I've heard that Pariah Dark has him" Vlad said "Trying to make him reveal where his ring of rage and crown are"
Danny groaned.
"Really? I just checked there!" Danny muttered.
"How have you've been doing this? Staying away from everyone knowing you're dead, you've even fooled the ghosts" Vlad asked.
Danny turned to the lake and sighed; crouching down to touch the waters.
"We're all addicted to something that takes away the pain in the end" Danny said, standing up to watch the ripples on the lake expand "My pain was seeing the people I love in danger because of me, even when you were left in space and declared dead; I felt like it was my fault. For a while now my heart has been swinging back and forth between the need for my crazy routine and the urge to run"
Danny turned to Vlad who was standing there in shock, Danny looked sadly to the ground.
"You become so damaged that when someone tires to give you what you think you deserve, you have no fucking idea how to respond to it"
"You've changed" Vlad said.
"The ghost zone does a lot to you" Danny said and vanished into thin air, making Vlad stand there in shock; he needs to tell the others.

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