Battle of the ghosts part two

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Danny's POV

"Who's Dan? And why does he look like you?" Sam asked as we saw my future self, they must have forgotten about them 'dying' and meeting him.
"Hasn't he told you? I'm him 7 years in the future!" Dan said, making her gasp and look at me.
I growled.
"You're not me, not ever" I snarled, making him smirk.
"I'm still here aren't I?" Dan said, motioning to himself.
Then I smirked.
"Not for much longer? Don't you remember what happened to you when you're 19?" I asked, making him and Sam confused.
In the corner of my eye I can see the others finishing to the ghosts off.
Please don't come over here.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"You don't even remember this battle which means you're not connected to me anymore" I said, sensing victory.
And at that moment Dan gasps in pain, holding his right side.
"I might not remember the battle but I remember the curse" Dan said, smirking.
My smile faded straight away as Sam stared at me with concern.
"What curse is he talking about Danny?" Sam asked, making Dan laugh.
"Hasn't he told you? When Freakshow sent him on the quest to find his orb he got cursed" Dan said.
"What's the curse?" Sam asked.
"And you need to know because?" I asked coldly, not wanting her to know.
She'll kill me...well, my human half.
"Danny! Don't talk to Sam like that!"
I turned around to see everyone behind us;
Dani, Jack, Maddie, Tucker, Ember, Frostbite, Vlad, Jasmine, Alexia and Bianca.
There's only Dan left who is smirking at everyone, and looks like he's going to reveal me; the true me.

"Because you don't need to know!" I snapped, my eyes turning red for a second before returning to normal.
Unfortunately, everyone but Dan saw but he noticed by the looks on their faces.
I sighed.
"Don't worry about me..." I muttered.
"Fight me like a ghost Danny, or you too scared to reveal your ghost side?" Dan said, making me turn around and snarl.
"What's wrong with your ghost side?" Alexia asked.
"Not now Alexia" I said through my teeth.
"Danny-" Maddie started but got interrupted.
"Everyone's worried for you, too bad they're friends with a monster" Dan said, smirking.
I flinched at the words.
"What I've done is to protect people" I said in an unsure voice.
"In some cases yes, we have but others...come on Danny, just admit it" Dan said.
Now I'm freaking out; Dan could destroy my life.
"Admit what? What is he talking about? I'm tried of the lies!" Sam yelled "It's like we don't even know who you are anymore!"
"You are right Samantha; Danny is not the man you know; an example is me, HE TURNS OUT TO BE ME IN THE FUTURE!!!!!" Dan yelled, making everyone gasp.
I felt every single pair of their eyes focus on me.
I'm trying to stand tall but the weight of emotions are dragging me down.

"Our little boy would never-" Jack started
"Your little boy died years ago, when he went into the ghost portal and died" I snapped.
"Calm down" Jasmine said "Don't do something you'll regret"
I lit my hands up in red ghost ray and my eyes glows a crimson red.
"This is my calm" I said and launched at Dan, who only just dodged it.
I commando rolled onto the ground and pushed myself back up and looked at Dan, who was smirking.
"You can never-" he started but I attacked him with a punch to his heart with my red ghost ray.
He was too focused on being egotistical and wasn't quick enough to save himself.
He started to laugh but then gasped as he felt the pain; he fell to the ground and started fading.
He screamed as my new rare ghost ray takes over his body.
"That type of ghost ray is a myth, how come you have it?" He painfully asked.
"As you said before; I am a monster and I'm not afraid to admit that" I said and he fades from existence.

"What in ghost's name just happen?" Dani asked.
I looked up, remembering they're there and my eyes turned back to it's blue and my ghosts ray disappeared.
"Um..." I muttered as I saw their shocked faces.
I dont want to answer them because they'll hate me forever if I tell.
So I stayed silent.
"Danny explain now young man!" Maddie said, crossing her arms.

'tell her the truth!' One voice said in my head
'but they will fear us!!!' A darker voice answered back.
'no they wont, they're family' the lighter voice said
'that's what they said and then betrayed our trust' the dark voice said 'what do you say to that?'
He does have a point.
'we can't leave them worried about us' the lighter side said.

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