Chapter 5

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Lauren POV:

"Hey Camz" I greeted Camila.

She simply noded and continued what she was doing.

We are currently at the studio recording our song. She didn't say anything the entire session. Everytime I try to talk to her, she either walks away or makes an excuse to get as far away as she can.

I was about to get some coffee when suddenly Camila appeared out of nowhere. I bumped into her and her papers flew out of her hand.

"I'm sorry." I bent down and help her with her papers.

We took the same paper and our hands touched. We made eye contact for about five seconds. We both laughed at the same time, which is crazy. It's like our brains are in sync.

"Why are you acting strange lately Camz?" I asked her.

"I seriously don't know. I thought you might be mad at me or something." she shrugged.

"Aw poor baby, I'll never get mad at you." I assured.

"Don't call me baby." she pouted.

"Okay baby." I tortured her.

She continued pouting. If she still continue I might kiss her. Ugh the temptation.

"Okay fine I won't call you baby."

Her tense shoulder relaxed.

"But can I call you mine?" I winked.

Blood ran into her cheeks. She was red as a tomato. If only I had a camera with me I would definitely take a picture. I burst out laughing. She hid her face with her hands and walked away.

We only finished the verse today due to technical difficulties. The team decided to go out to celebrate, which I find odd. I think we should celebrate if we're done with the song. We decided to go to a karaoke bar.

"Camila. Please!" they were all begging her to sing.

"Okay song" she stood up and went to the stage.

The music started and all eyes were on her.

I could fall or I could fly
Here on your aeroplane
I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say

She flawlessly sang. She closed her eyes and sang again.

I've been known to give my all
Jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on the lake

Everybody clapped their hand.

Don't call me baby
Unless you mean it
Don't tell me you need me
If you don't believe it
So let me know the truth

She stopped and looked at me.

Before I dive right into you

"Thank you everyone" Camila smiled at the audience. She sat back down in our table. This time she sat right beside me. Our elbows were touching but she was talking to someone and it looks like she doesn't even notice it.

Some of our team sang in front and our table was full of laughters.

"Lauren! Lauren! Lauren!" they're all chanting my name to sing.

"It's already late. We should go home." I'm not gonna sing. At least not in front of Camila.

"Come on Lauren. Unless if you're scared to sing. Aw my poor baby." Camila teased pinching my cheeks.

"Fine, but this is just to prove to y'all that I'm not a poor baby." I winked at Camila.

I went in front and borrowed the guitar. I kinda forgot the chords but I tried my best.

If I give up on you I give up on me
If we fight what's true, will we ever be
Even God himself and the faith I knew
Shouldn't hold me back, shouldn't keep me from you

I could see Camila in the crowd. She was looking at me as if I was the only one in the room.

Tease me, by holding out your hand
Then leave me, or take me as i am
And live our lives, stigmatized

I strum the last chord and the crowd applauded. I went back to our table and sat down. "How did I do?" I whispered to Camila.

"That was terrible." she smiled, indicating that it was a joke.

"Oh yeah? Cash me outside? How bout da?" I said

"Good idea, it's getting cold in here." she rubbed her hands.

We said our goodbyes to our friends and went outside. If inside was cold, outside was freezing. Now, Camila is rubbing her arms. I put my jacket around her.

"Oh that's not really necessary." she tried to give me back my jacket.

"No it's fine." I insisted

"Cameron might get mad." she said in a very jealous tone

"Hmm why would he? You're like my sister." I teased

"Why do you like Cameron ?" she asked

"Because.... I dunno. He's nice." I said

"Really?" she didn't believed me

"I like someone." I declared

"Give me some clues!" she sounded like a kid. She's so cute.

"She has a C... an A... hmm a M.... E... a R... letter O. Well I mean that's pretty obvious already hahaha."

Camila didn't say anything. She just smirked and looked away.

"What?!'' I asked

"That could be me for all I know." she grinned

"I think that spells Camero-" I was about to say but she cut me off.

"But you said she! And I have all the letters that you said." she laughed.

I just stared at her beautiful face. She was a masterpiece. She was like a goddess, completely flawless.

"I'm sorry." I said

"Don't be. If you didn't leave me, I wouldn't be where I am right now. So thank you Lauren." she held my hand.

"Thank you for what?" I asked.

"For everything. For giving me time to grow and mature. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't realize that I...." she whispered the last part so I didn't really catch that.

"What?" I asked again.

"I..." she looked away.

I held her chin and made her look at me at the eye.

"I love you." she uttered.

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