Alois Trancy

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A/N: Hey guys!! I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated! Senior year is proving extremely tiring and time consuming! But I have some time between exams and I thought, why not write another chapter!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler or the amazing Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis!


You chatted amongst the guests as Dorian scouted the surrounding forest of the Trancy estate. So far, you had caught up with Lau and his personal assistant Ran-Mao. Apparently they helped Ciel catch 3 suspects this month.

Later you waited for time to pass as you chatted with Elizabeth. Her and Ciel had had a picnic on the mountains recently and managed to find the white stag. You felt a small stab in the pit of your stomach when she told you that Ciel had almost died saving her from the overflowing river...

You smiled through the pain however, until ,finally Dorian came to your rescue.

"What took you so long?" You frowned "My ears feel like they've been stabbed repeatedly."

"I apologize, my lady." Dorian bowed "It seems that Earl Phantomhive and his Butler are pre-occupied at the moment."

"And what exactly is it that they are so pre-occupied with?" You raised a brow while placing your hands on your hips.

"It seems that the butlers of the Phantomhive and Trancy estate have started a battle." Dorian informed.

"A battle? What could they possibly be battling for?" You sighed with contempt "Let's go."

"But, my Lady. It would be rude to leave at such an early hour." Dorian added as he followed behind you.

"We're not leaving the estate," you walked through the main entrance, towards the forest "we're going to find out what is going on and what Earl Trancy is planning."

*Cιel'ѕ p.o.v*

I followed the 'maiden' into the woods. Does he really think I'm that daft? That I wouldn't realize that it was him?

"I've heard enough," I interrupted 'her' vulgar words "stop this farce, Alois Trancy."

He frowned before laughing softly "So, you've figured it out," he reached for his head, throwing off his blond wig "what a bore."

"I figured if you'd got me alone you'd find the courage to make a move." I said, ignoring his comment.

"That's why you followed me?" He questioned, before breaking into a smirk "really?"

I watched him closely as his Butler walked to his side, from seemingly nowhere, and the triplets jumped down from the tree they had been watching us from.

"Well I can't allow you to underestimate me." I gave him a smug smirk as Sebastian walked out from the tree behind me.

"My young master is quite right, Claude I do believe I gave you a warning earlier," Sebastian's eyes narrowed on the Trancy Butler " do you recall?"

Claude stood stoic as Alois glanced at him before giving me a menacing look.

"Now, now, now. We only wanted to chat someplace quieter."

"Must be important to do all this," I pointed out "you're dressed up like a woman. What could you possibly want so badly?"

"Simple. I want you." He said, as if it was the most normal thing to say.

"What's that mean? You want me?" I asked taken aback.

"It means" he looked at me amused " precisely what I said. I. Want. You. You're mine Ciel Phantomhive. And if you refuse," he paused, looking towards his mansion "everyone in there will be killed."

We stood in silence for a moment.

"I've arranged a little...performance, if that performance begins," he smirked "then they all die. Every. Last. One of them."

*Y/N p.o.v*

"Where could they possibly be?" You were growing agitated walking around the woods. You came to a sudden halt as you heard footsteps, followed by voices.

"I recognize those voices," you noted, turning to run towards them, Dorian at your side "that's Sebastian and the Trancy Butler."

Dorian suddenly stopped and looked towards the mansion.

"What is it?" You questioned, stopping to look back at him.

"That sound... My lady, please cover your ears." Dorian said, looking towards you.

"What? My ears? But, wh-" you cut yourself off with wince as you quickly covered your ears and fell to your knees as a piercing noise caused a sharp pain to radiate throughout your head.

Dorian covered your ears with his hands as he glanced around, looking towards the sound of fighting.

"Let's go, we need to get back to the ball."

Your eyes widened. You'd know that voice anywhere. It was Ciel.

"Don't worry Master, fortunately one of my very few friends is at the dance this evening."

And Sebastian. Which mean, Earl Trancy must not be far.

You stood up and removed Dorians hands from your ears before quickly holding your ears yourself.

"Lets go." You said, before running off in the direction of the voices, Dorian one step behind.

As you go the the clearing you found Ciel sitting at the trunk of a tree, Sebastian slung over the branches and hanging upside down like a spider while holding Ciels ears closed.

You smirked. "Well, there's a sight you don't see everyday."

Their eyes shot to you, as Sebastian quickly detangled himself from the tree, and made himself look more human.

"My lady, you should not be here. Please, have your Butler escort you back to the ball." Ciel said quickly.

You looked at him, confused.

" 'My lady'? Since when do you address me as if you don't know me." You said with a frown.

"My master is not feeling himself at the moment, please excuse him. Lady Y/N, Dorian, it is a pleasure to see you again." Sebastian jumped in.

"Lady Y/N! What a lovely surprise!" You heard a voice say from behind you "Shouldn't you be getting back to the ball? I've asked my maid Hannah to put on a special performance."

You turned to face Earl Alois.

"Yes, I heard it, its very.. entrancing." You said, raising an eyebrow in disdain.

He smiled smugly "Well, aren't you insightful. Claude. Get get rid of her."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Claude bowed before jumping towards you.

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