Chapter 2 ( edited)

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Harry's POV

It always sucks whenever somebody keeps secrets from you. But for some reason this really hurt. I knew it was not something that I should be excited about that he was keeping from me because Liam wanted for him to tell me. Oh yeah. Also, THE BOYS KNEW BEFORE I DID!

Calm down Harry he said he would tell you I scolded myself. And I felt my head level a bit. No need to get hyped up over something that I could just ask Liam about. He would be way too easy to crack.

I went upstairs for real and walked over to my desk. Time to keep moving along with this song. I was not about to allow for Louis to win this bet.

Let me explain the rules of the bet

1,) I had to write the song with no help.

2.) Louis was not aloud to sabotage me. (Just him because none of the other would)

3.) It had to be finished in three days.

4.) Modest had to approve it to be on the new album.

Of course the second rule was impossible to follow for Lou. Just being in the same room with him was distracting, therefore sabotaging.

To be quite honest I don't even know if there is an award. Only thing on the line here was my ego.

I went to keep writing.

My heart,
Your heart
Sit tight like two magnets

I hastily erased that. The was no way I was going to sing a song about magnets, and anyways.

"Things that go together," I mumbled. Maybe I should write me and Louis? Nope, that was not going to be approved unless hell froze over. Those bunch of homophobic people made my love life very difficult.

I sat there for ten minutes until I finally got the rest of the first verse done.

At that moment I heard the sound of Zayn chatting on the phone with Perrie. I normally am very sensitive about their private life (for my own sake not theirs.) But if I was going to try to figure out Louis secret I had to start somewhere. Right?

"Yeah Pez, I'm babysitting Harry. Louis is at one of his 'dates.'" Zayn said to the microphone. "Nah, this is a short one. Like and half an hour tops. He should be back here soon."

I instinctively knew that he was talking about Louis. What did he mean a short date. Was there such a thing? Just like meet Elenour, kiss, get a hot dog take a selfie and leave? I mean, who does that?

But I'm just glad he will be back soon. Zayn is not good company to keep when ever he has his fiancé to talk to.

Then Zayn said something mildly surprising. "He is going to make Harry hate him if he keeps it a secret much longer."

Well DUH. I hate having secrets kept against me. It is like putting a bowl of tuna in front of a cat the tanking it away when he tries to eat it. The cat will find a way to the tuna and when it finds it out it will not be safe and the owner shall be punished.

Well, this cats claws were ready to tear. But why would the secret make me mad. Is it really bad? I mean it isn't like he had to ask Elenour to marry him. Right?

The Zayn went into mushy talk with Perrie and I lost any interest.

After a trek back upstairs I noticed my song on the desk. Well I finally found the wording to replace magnets. Now our hearts are book ends. Because right now I am reading between the lines of this secret. Then a whole other verse about papers causing a distance like this secret.

The Infinant Heart, a Larry short storyWhere stories live. Discover now