1- Chapitre Un

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"Oui, Mama. Si'l vous plait... Don't cry. I will have the money for Colette's medicine. Oui. Je promets. I promise, Mama. I will wire the money on Friday. Oui. Le Vendredi. Take care, Mama. Send my love to Franco and Colette. Je t'aime. Au revoir."

Dei sighed as she placed the handset back on the payphone. She leaned on the glass wall of the booth and closed her eyes. How was she going to come up with five thousand dollars in three days for her younger sister's medication? Colette was born with a weak heart and has since constantly needed special medical care thus quickly draining their resources. Dei has to come up with the money to pay for another hospital bill. How can she do that when she barely has enough money to feed herself everyday, pay the rent to her ratty apartment or buy shoes to take her to auditions?

Dei stepped out of the phone booth, feeling the cold pavement under her feet through the paper thin soles of her flatties. She looked up at the Empire State Building proudly towering a few blocks away from where she stood as the crisp cold air of autumn in New York blew on her face. That skyscraper that used to be the beacon that called her to cross the ocean from her hometown in Colmar, France to fulfill her dreams of becoming an actress in the Land of Promises now became a giant reminder of how terrible life has been to her since she left home.

Eldest of three siblings, she was the only one left to help her mother, who was a simple seamstress in their town, after their father died in the second world war. At a young age of fourteen, Dei has learned hard work from being a servant girl to the Batholdis, descendants of Monsieur Frederic Auguste Batholdi who designed the statue of the famous lady who stands enlightening the world from an island in New York. It is from them that the young Dei developed the love for the arts and theater and to dream of someday living in the great city and saving her family from poverty.

Exhausted from walking blocks and blocks from shop to shop the entire day trying to look for a job, any job that would take her, and failed, she has resigned to the thought that the sun will be setting on another unfortunate day in her life which has been devoid of any good luck.

As she turned on the corner to her apartment, a sudden gush of wind carried a flyer that landed on her feet. Dei stooped to pick it up and read it.

For Immediate Employment

Looking for a young actress to play a special role in a special production.

Must be beautiful, smart and willing to do anything necessary to portray the part.

Each actress will be meticulously tested for her capabilities to play the role and the one selected will receive compensation more than anyone could ever dream of.

Go to the corner of the 38th Street at 8am on the 24th of October.

"24th of October... That's tomorrow." Dei smiled and looked up. "Finally some good fortune. Merci. Hold on, Colette."

She slept soundly that night and got a good rest for the big audition the next day.

Dei got to the rendezvous point ten minutes early, clad in her best yellow sweetheart full skirted dress under a black dress coat. She was shortly joined by three more beautiful women, a snobbish lady from upstate New York with red hair and green eyes named Anne, a blonde beauty from California named Rina and a raven haired seductress named Cora.

Despite the other girls' more stylish outfits and confident demeanor, Dei with her humble clothes and determined personality was not to be short changed. She has long silky hair, soft olive skin and full red lips that allured and bright brown eyes that sparkled and enthralled.

At exactly 8am, a black Cadillac pulled up in front of them and an elderly man, with an English accent, instructed them to get in. They drove south to the outskirts of the city.

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