2- Chapitre Deux

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Richard smirked as he felt her shiver in his touch and nod her head, delighted by her vulnerability which he can use for his plans.

Now, although Richard had what Dei needed, she did not just gamble her life in his hands because she needed the money for her sister's medication. More than that, she agreed to his offer because she saw something in him that somehow assured Dei that the young master of the mansion will not harm her.

Confident that he has the French beauty under his power, Richard was surprised when Dei slowly turned to face him and looked him directly in the eyes with a steady unfaltering gaze.

"You must think that because you have all this wealth and that I am just a poor girl from a small town that you can have me eating off your hands and bowing to your every command. Well, you are wrong, Monsieur. Oui, I need the money but I also know that you need me. If not, you will not go through all those things to find a suitable pretend wife. Given how fast the elimination process is and the way you had to convince me to agree to your offer makes me think that you actually need a 'wife' more than you choose to show, and soon." She said as she kept her eyes glued on his face, searching for signs to confirm the truth in her suspicions.

That's right, Monsieur Faulkerson, Your body language speaks louder than the words you speak and my eyes can definitely hear them.

When she saw the corner of his eyes quiver and the smug smile on his handsome face twitch, Dei confirmed what she thought. He is as desperate as she was in making this work maybe even more.

I got you now.

"Je t'ai eu..." She whispered her thoughts in French, knowing that Richard won't understand her native expression.

"Well, I didn't get that last thing you said and quite frankly I prefer French in my mouth rather than my ear." He said in a seductive voice as he lightly ran his finger over her full lips. He leaned forward leaving his face only inches from hers. "You're really smart. I give you that. And from the results of your first test, I also know that you are not an opportunistic young woman and not after my fortune. So, Dei, tell me. What do you want?" He whispered leaning even closer that his warm breath now touched her lips.

"First, Monsieur Faulkerson, you must know that since this is only a role that I need to play. I am not really your wife so..." Dei stepped back and carefully pried away from his arms. "My body is my own. You can not touch me without my permission."

Richard shook his head and chuckled as he bit his lip. "You know there are so many different ways for me to twist that condition but very well... I will keep my hands off that perfect sexy body until you say it's okay. Is that all?"

"Seconde, for an actress to succeed in her performance, she must learn everything that she needs to know about the role. You will need to tell me why we need to do this and why we had to go through that audition."

"Which I very well intend to tell you over dinner tonight after you have changed to more appropriate clothes as the mistress of this mansion and when there are no more tear stains on that lovely face." He said as he stroked the air beside her cheek close to her skin but not touching. "Will that be all? I really think you should get some rest. After all that drama." He smirked.

"Oui. C'est tout. That's all. Au revoir." Dei said as she turned to leave.

"See you later, wife." Richard called with a grin as she closed the door.


Dei sighed and dropped flat on her back on the bed after Albert showed her to her room.

It was unlike any other part of the mansion which only had black, brown and dark red wood and bronze furniture and decorations.

Her bed chamber had cream colored walls with wallpapers of tiny pink roses design. Old rose curtains were draped on the windows and the bed had white and cream sheets with floral accents.

The room was light and feminine, a striking contrast to the dark and enigmatic aura of the house. It was just as she would like it as if the room was prepared for her.

She stared at the ceiling, intricately carved with golden fleur-de-lis inspired patterns and a crystal chandelier.

Dei was starting to feel more relaxed just being in that room when Richard crossed her mind again, his powerful presence, handsome features and warm strong body as he stood behind her. He was a man who can make any woman both swoon and shiver when he wills it but not her.

Not Dei.

I have no time to swoon or play games with you, Monsieur Faulkerson. I am here to do my job and do it well for my family.

That arrogant smirk on his face as he so nonchalantly called her "wife", as if she was his property, made Dei scoff.

I will not let that despicable man intimidate or disrespect me in any way. No. My family is poor but my father raised us to live in honor. Je vais garder ma dignité pour eux.

Dei felt for the silver chain around her neck that held a small heart shaped locket. She opened it and looked at the picture of her family.

Her mother Claudette, a kind and caring woman with deep set eyes and full red lips was a real beauty. She was once a young actress too who met and married a dashing musician named Jean, Dei's father.

Jean was a very brave and loving man. Though he could barely provide enough to feed his family three meals a day and pay for his youngest daughter's medical bills, he worked hard to give them a warm and comfortable home filled with joy and music.

When the second world war broke, he fought for his country and died with honor in the field of battle.

Her teenage brother Franco, smart and willful, was the one left to look after their mother and Colette after their father died and Dei had to go away for work in the United States. At a young age of fifteen, he has been very good in handling his responsibilities both at home and in school in hopes of someday becoming a great man and spare his family from poverty and then make Dei come home to them.

Little Colette, their sweet little angel. Now only barely ten years old, her little sister has already fought a brave battle for her life, more than any soldier could have done. Despite being born with a weak heart, little Colette had courage and kindness to share to everyone. In good days, she was a little ray of sunshine for her family, always singing and laughing. It was those moments that Dei lived for.

To keep the smile on her little angel's face has always been Dei's ultimate motivation.

"Ne vous inquiétez pas, Colette, Franco, Mama. I will take care of everything. Soon, Colette will be better and I will be home with you then we will all live happily."

And with those words to encourage her, Dei got up and opened the closet were an outfit has been selected for her.


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Je t'ai eu- I got you/ Gotcha
C'est tout- That's all
Je vais garder ma dignité pour eux. - I will keep my dignity for them.
Ne vous inquiétez pas- Don't worry.

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