Chapter 4

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Isabelle got home late, feeling the pain in her upper arm so strong that she had to  deep her nails in her palm, in order to cause pain somewhere else. It only helped a little.

She also had to give an explanation for the big cut in her arm.

Frustrated and angry, she opened the door to her home. She tried to hurry in her room before she was spotted, but just as she made her way to the door, she ran into little Ana.

She looked up at her and have her a full mouthed smile. "You're home!" She said, while reaching to hug her.

Isabelle stepped back, before Ana had the chance to pull her in a hug, and then walked passed her, annoyed. "Why did she have to be everywhere," Irina thought.

"Wait," Ana shouted. "Is that blood...?" She trailed of, sounding really concerned and scared.

"Couldn't she just mind her own business?" Isabelle thought again, getting more frustrated. She just ignored her and continued her way to her room.

"Blood...?" She heard another voice joining in. It was Johnny's.

She grew even angrier. "Why both of them?" She said to herself.

He made his way to her, jogging to catch up with her.

"Isabelle, are you ok?" Johnny asked.

Losing her calm completely, she just burst out, shouting at him. "Just mind your damn business! You can't even walk now, cause you get assaulted?!"

The two kids just remained still, unsure what to say next. Irina rarely screamed at them, and when she did she had a good reason to do it. Now Ana just couldn't understand what was wrong, but was somehow scared to ask.

After saying those, Isabelle went to her room and locked the door behind her.

She sat om the bed and took the first aid kit. She had to sew it. The cut was too deep to just let it heal by itself.

And it really hurt...

Ana's and Johnny's scared faces appeared in her mind. She shouldn't have yelled at them, but she felt so angry. She now realized that it wasn't their fault. They were only concerned for her. She should've felt good not angry.

She took a bottle of alcohol and, bracing herself, she spilled a little on her cut. God, it burned! She clenched her jaw, and shut her eyes, as she let her head fall back. It hurt a lot. She would've liked to growl, or scream, or anything, but she couldn't make any noise.

Then she took a needle and some sewing and stared sewing her cut closed.

She wasn't angry at her siblings, she was angry at what happened. She wanted to kill Taylor, and her guardian was good. Too good. Normally he would've been able to kill her tonight, if she wasn't that pretty. She hated that. It made her blood boil inside her veins.

She loved being beautiful, and she liked the spice it gave to a fight. Her opponents hesitated hitting her, but they never got the chance to kill her. She was still better than them. But Jason had plenty, and she knew that there was nothing she could do about it. He was simply designed to be too strong for her. She still had better skills, way better, but he was by far stronger. 150 times to be exact.

She wanted to growl of too much anger. She knew that she needed to kill Taylor, and she would. No matter how, she would.

She hated counting only on her beauty to get something done, but she would, if she had to. It made her feel like she was nothing more than a pretty empty head. She was so much more than that. She did like it, but she wanted to be more than that.

She needed time with Jason. Time in which they wouldn't have to kill each other. Time in which she could get closer to him. If they got close, she knew there was no way he would kill her, and besides he would be too out of his mind to fight too well.

Letting out a sigh, she finished sewing her cut. Then she took a long bandage and circled it around her arm.

It would heal in some time. Sure, it would leave a scar, but it wasn't a big deal.

Just as she finished taking care of her wound, she heard her cat meow at the door. 

"Oh, Oscar..." she said, as she took a shirt with long enough sleeves to cover her cut, and opened the door for the cat. It entered the room satisfied and sat on the pillow. 

It would be ok. She knew what she had to do and she got it under control for now.  

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