Draco the Brave

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Long ago there lived a wicked prince named Mason. He being jealous of his brother Casey and knowing dark magic turned him into a dragon only to be a prince again at midnight making Casey his slave forever bound to him. One day the lonely dragon Casey met Lilly a lovely maiden in the woods. They became close friends, but Casey always made sure to leave before midnight making it unknown to Lilly that he was a prince under a wicked spell.

Mason curious of where Casey would go during the day fallowed him one day and found Lilly in the woods playing with Casey. Mason being angry that his brother could be happy even as a dragon decided to place Lilly in the dungeon of his castle to keep Casey from ever being happy again. Casey not seeing Lilly in the woods the next morning decided to go find her to no avail. That night he fallowed Mason going to the dungeon being hid Casey over heard Mason telling Lilly in the morning he would kill her and keep Casey as a dragon forever.

Casey knowing how much his brother hated him came up with a plan to save Lilly even if it meant he couldn't save himself. The next morning Mason took Lilly out into the courtyard to kill her. Casey seeing them flew to stop Mason from hurting Lilly. Mason in an evil rage fell from Casey's grip on him onto his own sword which in turn broke the evil spell he had on his brother.

Lilly seeing Casey turned into the wonderful prince that had once been her lost love which she had thought was dead ran to him. Casey being free of the wicked spell took Lilly in his arms and they lived happily for the rest of their lives together without fear of the wicked prince Mason.
The end.

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