The Beautiful Princess

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Once upon a time in a far away land. There lived a king with his beautiful daughter named Anna. One day the king decided to throw a royal ball in honour of the princess in hopes of finding a suitor. The princess didn't like this idea because she knew that the evil Monte would stop at nothing to have her.

Monte heard of the ball and decided to come up with a plan to kidnap Anna for himself. He went to the woods to tell his men of his plan but was quite so no one else would hear him. There was a woodsman named Jake who lived in the woods near by who happened to pass by and over hear Monte's evil plan.

Jake ran to his horse and rode off to worn the king , but he was to late to stop the evil Monte in time. The king told Jake if he saved Anna he would give Jake whatever he asked for in return. Since Jake lived in the woods he knew where Monte's hide out was located and rode off to rescue the princess.

The evil Monte knew that Anna would never fall in love with him so he hired a witch to cast a spell on the princess. The witch knowing how horrid Monte was hurried to make the spell for him. Jake made it just in time to stop the witch and capture the evil Monte.

Jake took the witch, Monte, and the princess back to the castle where the king threw the witch and Monte in the horrible dungeon. The king thanked Jake for rescuing the princess and asked him what he would like in return. Jake had always loved Anna and asked the king for her hand in marriage.

Since the king was always true and honest he granted Jake the princesses hand. The next day Jake and the beautiful Anna were married. And they lived happily ever after.

The End

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