Louis POV
"Liam, Danny, can I speak to you guys in private?" I asked quietly sneaking into their room.
Liam grunted, "Louuuu, not now I'm tired!" He groaned.
"Okay, Li, you stay there I'll talk to him." Daniele followed me to the living area.
Daniele grabbed her hoodie an threw it on over her tank top. Then she curled up on the sofa and stared at me.
"I don't know what way to put this but, can I have permission to date Arianna?" I asked scratching my head.
"Louis I-"
"I know! It's Liam's choice, he's going to say no, knowing that I'll probably love her for a while then dump her which will make Liam kick me out of the band because he's most responsible an-" I was hushed by a finger on my lips.
"It's Liam's choice, yeah, but I think he'll consider yes." She smiled at me and motioned me towards where Liam was.
I grinned and tiptoed in.
"Liam?" I whispered, shaking his body.
"Unf." He said.
"Can I talk to you? It's about Arianna."
"Unf- sure, shoot." He replied rubbing his eyes.
"Can I date her? I know it's a risk but I just fell in love with her immediately the first glimpse I caught of her." I described my first sighting of Arianna.
"Louis, you can date her, but break her heart I'll break-"
"I know, I know, you'll break my face." I laughed and patted his back.
"Night, Liam." I waved my hand and walked out.
"Well?" Daniele came hopping over.
"It's a yes!" I whispered/screamed.
She praised me and then started making coffee.
"What time is it?" I yawned.
"05:34am." She replied.
"Okay, goodnight Danny." I said and yawned again.
"Night Lou, have fun!" She winked.
I laughed silently to myself as I entered the bathroom.
I want this "will you go out with me" engagement to be extra perfect.
Then my eyes shot open.
I'll take her for a tattoo and then tomorrow night, we'll go to the fair and I'll sing to her. Little things describes her.
Her freckles, dimples on her cheeks and her back, she can't go to bed without a cup of tea. She hates taking compliments too. I hope none of the boys get to her first.
Arianna's POV
"Arianna, wake up babe." A voice said.
"Okay, I'll be right there." I grunted.
I opened the blinds and then got dressed. I put on a white crop top that says, "Live While We're Young!" and light denim high waisted shorts with my black vans. I tied my hair in a messy bun and walked out to the kitchen.
"Mornin." I yelled.
"Haaaay girl haaaaaay!" Louis yelled back.
"What's up?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.
"Hun, you'll strain your voice." Niall winked.
Louis looked pissed at him.
"Anyway, tomorrow I'm taking you for a tattoo!" Louis jumped up like a 5 year old
"What! Oh gosh I can't wait!" I exclaimed.
"You're gonna love it!" He hugged me.
"What is it?" I asked parting our hug.
"Surprise!" He replied.
"Did I mention how much I hate surprises?" I groaned and they all laughed.
This is a great life!

Adopted By Payzer [slowly editing]
FanfictionIt would seem, that getting adopted by random people you don't know well enough would be a nightmare. Unless living in your OWN home is a nightmare. Who knows, right? Ariana Fenton knows. The girl who was adopted by Liam Payne and Danielle Peazer.