Ariana's POV
"Now, I'll take up the 5 page assignments you've all worked on over the weekend." Mr Walker pushed his glasses up his nose.
My head shot up from the desk.
"Don't tell me you've forgotten!" Koko whisper/yelled.
"No, no of course not. I just lost it." I shrugged.
"Yeah, sure, okay." Cassie smirked."Miss Payne, assignment please?" Me Walker stood with the papers in his hands.
"Well, you see sir. I lost it. Now that's not the end of my adventures story. Some kid, not sure who he was. It's all a blur. Anywho, some kid, was fighting me. And I had the assignment with me. And I lost it fighting some kid who said you weren't the best teacher in the school." I said.
"Talk to me after class." He groaned.I slumped back into my seat. Then Tiffany walked in. She was wearing her uniform skirt up to her upper thighs, her hair was in ringlets and she was caked in makeup. Again.
"Why are you late, Miss Evans?" Mr Walker sat in his chair.
"I'm terribly sorry Mr Walker. I lost my geography book and spent absolute ages looking for it." She twirled her pointy finger around her bleach hair.
"Alright then. Take a seat." He motioned her to her seating arrangement.He loves her. It makes me sick.
"Haayy gurl haaaay!" Harry sat next to me in the kitchen.
"Herrow." I replied, taking a bite of a cereal bar.
"Whatcha doin?" His curls tickled my chin as he leaned over.
"Geography assignments." I groaned.
"Fun!" He squealed.
"Harrryyyyy?" I moved closer to him.
"Yeeeeesss?" He moved closer to me.I grabbed his collar.
"TAKE ME OUTTA THIS PLACE!" I screamed, shaking him, violently. Cheese and rice Payne, watch out.
"Starbucks?" His brows furrowed.
"Yes! Anywhere! Even the dump! I can't take this anymore!" I fell off th e chair.
"Okay, okay. Let's go." His muscular arm dragged me towards the front door.
"Carry me." My lower lip pouted while I held my arms out.He lifted me up on his back while I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Wow, Payne! What have you been eating?" He joked.
"Food." I snapped my fingers in his face.We arrived at Starbucks and I walked up to order.
"Hello, my good sir!" I greeted the cashier with a bow.
"What do you want?" He looked bored. I was shocked.
"Well, if you must know, you need to learn human rights! No matter what form you're in! Now, I would like a white hot chocolate and frappachino to go please!" I said sassily.
"Coming right up." He wasn't listening to my rant.I went and sat on the stools with Harry and we waited for our drinks.
Then we collected them and walked outside. Harry was talking about something on twitter when I caught sight of paparazzi. I grabbed Harry and dragged him into a bush.
Just our luck, well my luck to find an angry white and black cat in the bush.
"Hello mister cat." I whispered. It hissed at me.
"Oh, are you hiding from paparazzi too?" I asked.
Again, it hissed.The paparazzi were getting closer an would soon see us. I grabbed the cat by the tail and swung it round my head until I let it fly towards the paps. Then I burst out laughing and harry and I ran down the alley way home.
Hiiii!! I don't know what to say. So I'm saying what's on my mind. I like lemons. When life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand for money.
I lost my pen in school today. :(
Poor mister pen...
Okay I'm done. Bye.
~roisin misses mister pen.

Adopted By Payzer [slowly editing]
FanficIt would seem, that getting adopted by random people you don't know well enough would be a nightmare. Unless living in your OWN home is a nightmare. Who knows, right? Ariana Fenton knows. The girl who was adopted by Liam Payne and Danielle Peazer.