Arianas POV
We managed to avoid the paparazzi until the entrance of the airport. They crowded around Liam and Daniele and some fans crowded around Louis and I. I tugged my mint green suitcase along the concrete while my duck keychain called "hammy" dangled for dear life on the zip. Some fans were judging Lou and I again.
"Ew, shes uglier than usual! her hair looks like a wet stringy mop!"
"Her face is worse, I'm surprised Louis hasn't puked all over us yet."
I literally stopped in my tracks. The anger was inside me. Hmm, usually things like this don't bother me, but now im angry! They might get a duck keychain in their face in a minute.
"Hey, keep your comments to yourself and don't be barging in on my life. You know, if you loved Louis and the boys, you'd keep back and leave the girls they choose alone!" I snapped my fingers and walked away sassily, leaving them gob smacked.
Louis scooted along behind me, chuckling.
"How'd you do that?" He asked between laughs.
"It's just a sassy thing!" I replied.
"You're basically a girl version of me!" He laughedWe arrived in the airport and went through all the security and then waited for our plane to open the doors. I sat beside mom and talked to her while the guys went to get food for everyone.
"So, how're you and Louis doing?" She asked.
"Pretty good. I gotta get some friends, you know, apart from the guys and Perrie, you know?" I said.
"You'll make a lot of new friends in school, alright?" Danielle's arm wrapped around my shoulder.Then Niall came and said, "Aw mother daughter love!" His eyes squinted as he showed his white teeth.
"Shut up bestie!" I playfully smacked his chest.
"Ow!" He sarcastically whinned."Foods here!" Harry yelled.
"Nandooooos!" Niall and I screamed and ran up to him.I took pasta and Niall took chicken, while everyone else took their food.
We all stuffed our faces and then the intercom announced, "First class route to London, England, please make your way to the plane."
"Nooo, Nandos I will miss you!" Niall hugged the mascot and blew him a kiss goodbye.
We all collapsed into laughter and dragged Niall towards the plane.
We showed 'Melanie' our passports and entered first class. I sat next to Harry and Niall, Zayn sat with Perrie and next to Perrie was next to Louis and then Liam and Danny were beside eachother.
"Good afternoon everyone and thank you for flying with English Airlines." The flight attendant spoke through the intercom and then he went through emergency exits and stuff before I fell asleep on Niall's shoulder.
Ahhhhh!!!! I can't believe thiiiis!
141 reads, and COUNTING! :D
I love you guys so much I'm so happy! You've made my day! Sorry for a bad chapter but I had writers block....
I've tried thinking of something to happen with Lou and Ari buuuuutttt not in this chapter #sorrynotsorry ;)
Thank you! Again.
~Roisin feels like she won an Oscar.

Adopted By Payzer [slowly editing]
FanficIt would seem, that getting adopted by random people you don't know well enough would be a nightmare. Unless living in your OWN home is a nightmare. Who knows, right? Ariana Fenton knows. The girl who was adopted by Liam Payne and Danielle Peazer.