Netflix and Daddy Issues

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Sam half carried Lucifer up the stairs. That is, until the bug bad devil decided he could walk on his own. He pushed past Dean in an angry huff, followed by Sam, who only said he needed a drink. Donatello came out of the impala with a look on his face that suggested he was going to cry, and I watched as Beelz made his way up the stairs in pursuit of Lucifer. Dean walked down the stairs to where I was standing. He looked around.

"Mettatron?"He asked. I gulped and shook my head.

"He was... pretty brave... for a goofball." I gave him a small smile.Dean smiled back and nodded.

"Yeah."He nodded towards the stairs.

"Let's go." He said, leading the way.

Something had transpired in that short time of Dean and I talking. Chuck was grumbling to himself in the kitchen, Sam was banging at the door to his room. Beelz was pacing angrily. And Donatello had his head down on the table. Dean and I blinked. We went to Sam's room first.

"Lucifer come on!" He was yelling over loud rock music.

"If dad wants to talk he can come here himself!" Lucifer yelled back.Sam banged on the door again.

"OPEN. THE. DOOR." He shouted. No answer.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"This is MY ROOM." Sam answered, yelling the last part loud enough for Lucifer to hear, but the music only got louder. Dean put a hand on his little brother shoulder, calming him for the moment.

"Just...Let's see what's up with Chuck." He sighed, not wanting to deal with anything that day. That much was clear.

I looked back at the chaos that was going on in my new home. I sighed and leaned my head against the door to Sam's room.

"Lucifer?"I spoke in an even tone. No response. "I know you can hear me. I'm only part angel and I can hear everything that goes on in here." I turned and set my back against the door. "I can only imagine the headache you must have right now..." I muttered, sliding down to sit. "You know everything here's usually so calm. It's where we can escape all this crazy stuff..." I pulled my knees to my chest. "But now all the crazy stuff is in here." I sighed. "...I hate this."Suddenly, the music got softer and softer until I could barely hear it. I looked up at the doorknob, moving my hand up so I could grab it. It turned with no resistance. I flipped over and got to my feet."Lucifer?" I asked. Still no answer. "I'm coming in." I said,walking into Sam's room. The door slammed behind me and the lock clicked again. I looked at Lucifer, who was sitting on Sam's bed,glaring at the blank TV screen. I couldn't think of anything to say.But he spoke for me.

"How do you get this stupid thing to work." He demanded, holding the remote out to me. I almost laughed, realizing that under all that sass was someone who had never worked a television in all his years of existing. I took the remote, pulled the chair away from the desk,sat near the bed, and turned on the television.

We both knew that neither of us were watching this show. I had only picked it because the title was "Lucifer" and he seemed mildly amused by the first episode. But he had long stopped watching it. I had never really been paying attention. Something was on my mind, and I had to get it out. I looked to Lucifer.

"Why...don't you want to talk to your dad?" I asked. He looked to me.

"Why don't you want to talk to yours?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"That's different." I said.

"Is it?" He asked.

"Yes."I snapped. It was his turn to roll his eyes.

"I don't want to talk to my dad because he refuses to acknowledge what he did wrong. He thinks he knows everything." Lucifer growled. My body relaxed in such a way that I didn't even realize I was tense in the first place.

"...I don't want to talk to my dad because he thinks I was a mistake." I admitted to him. Lucifer looked back at me. After some silence, he cracked a smile that was unfamiliar on Castiel's stoic face.

"Your's too, huh?" He chuckled.

Almost a year ago I would have never thought I would be having a relateable conversation with the devil. But here I was.

"I mean it's not my fault you made me." I let out a loud sigh, falling back against my chair.

"Exactly!"Lucifer was laying down, rubbing his eyes furiously. "Now he's all fussy because I didn't play nice with his little creations. I'm his son, he's supposed to love me no matter what." Lucifer rolled onto his side.

"Exactly."I repeated his words and shifted to sat cross-legged in my chair."You know, you remind me of Beelz sometimes." I said. Lucifer looked back at me with a confused expression.

"...Beelz?"He said the name as if it were a poison on his vocal chords.

"Beelzebub."I elaborated, he sat up and nodded.

"He's a good kid." Lucifer sighed. "Mostly because he saw both sides and chose to be on mine."

"He thought you'd be mad at him."

"Of course I am."


"Because."Lucifer sighed. "The fallen angels of my army weren't confined to a cage like I was. I think some even went back home." he glared. "But Beelzebub... He stayed. Just the thought makes me furious."

Silence passed us.

"He said you barely knew you had an army." I explained.

"He was right." Lucifer looked back at the moving scenery of the television screen. I turned to face him.

"How could you not know about an entire army?" I chuckled a bit.

"The same reason humans can't seem to find anything when they're in a rush." He shrugged. "It's hard to see straight when you're angry and frustrated." He sighed. "Beelzebub led the army, I believe."

"He never said that."

"Why would he? He wanted you to trust him." Lucifer looked back at me "'Hey I ran Lucifer's army!' Doesn't seem like a good phrase to use when you need someone's help." I shot him a glare and he only shrugged. Again, we both stared at the TV, not paying attention to anything that was happening.

"Lucifer."I said.

"What."He asked.

"I think you should talk to your dad." I didn't look at him, but his silence told me he was thinking. Then I heard him sigh.

"You're probably right." Was the last thing he said before we fell back into our television show.

I guess that's the long and short of how I convinced The Devil to try and work things out with God. 

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