Hello Darkness, My Old Friend

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We stopped at a graveyard. It was the final place Dean wanted to go to. Chuck leaned against the car. Rowena stood silently. Crowley and Castiel both waited patiently. I stood near the open window where Tyler was leaning out of the car. Sam and Dean stood over a grave, talking in hushed and brotherly tones. I looked up to Crowley.

"You think this will work?" I asked him. He glanced over at me, not saying a word, but telling me 'yes' with his one swift look. We all fell back into silence, and that's when Dean came over. Sam stood by me and Dean stood near Chuck, opposite everyone else.

"I guess... this is goodbye." He rubbed the back of his head. Castiel stepped forward.

"I can go with you, Dean." He stated, nearly begged. Dean shook his head.

"They need you here, Cas." He said, referring to Sam and I. Castiel stood still for a moment, before pulling Dean into a tight hug.

I looked up at Dean after Castiel pulled away.

"Oh come on. Don't cry, Nell." he put a hand on my head. I held the tears down, grabbing his arm.

"Do you have to go?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer, as much as I hated it, it was yes. It was always yes.

"You'll be fine, kid. I promise." He said, rubbing my head before pulling his arm away.

"You don't know that." I said. "Dean, you and Sam are all I have."I stepped back.

"I don't know much. But I do know Sam and Cas will do right by you."Dean bent down to my height. "You're a Winchester too. You're family." He touched my face. "We don't let down family." He said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

"Why'd you say that?Why'd you say that before you have to go." I sniffled. He hugged me back tightly, and I could barely hold back my crying.

"Watch after Sam and Cas. Have their backs, okay?" Dean said.

"Yeah." I forced out.

I stood near Sam by the Impala, Castiel coming over after Dean said he didn't want him to go with him. Dean said his final goodbyes, made a joke, and he was gone.I grabbed Sam's hand and leaned on him.

"I don't want him to go, Sam." I muttered, tears rolling down my face. Sam let go of my hand and put his arm over my shoulders, pulling me towards him in a type of side hug.

"Me neither." was all he said. There was no 'but'. There was no 'it's for the greater good'. But then again, there never was with Sam. All he wanted was his big brother. I felt the same way, and looking over at Castiel, I could tell he wanted the same thing. I reached out and grabbed his hand. He looked over at me, and I just stared. He let out a breath and squeezed my hand tightly. Sam let out a breath.

"Who wants a drink?"He asked, everyone looked at him.

"I do." Crowley said. That caused us all to load into the impala and drive off to the nearest bar and wait.

Bars were always abandoned in those apocalypses movies. This was no different. Crowley immediately walked behind the bar and grabbed a bottle from the top shelf. He poured himself a glass as Rowena sat down at the bar, and in a moment of kindness, he poured her a glass too. I suddenly wished I could drink, I was feeling like hell. Crowley glanced at me,pausing for a moment before glancing over at Sam, who had sat down on the couch after making a space for Tyler to sit in a booth near the window and helping Chuck into a seat of his own. Crowley nodded at me, beckoning me over. I went and sat on the stool in front of him.

"If this doesn't work,it's the end of the world..." Crowley set a glass in front of me."Drink up." He filled it half way before grabbing his own glass.

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