Expecting A Love Story?

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It was a cold and dark rainy day with extreme winds whistling in the city of hope. There was a street named "Nozone st." One night there was this young fellow only known by the name as Nino. (Nee-No) No one in the city knew what his real name was, or how old of age he was, in fact no one even cared. So as he was walking with his head down, hands in his pocket, and constantly checking his watch, people began to wonder why he was walking down Nozone st., people began to wonder what he was thinking about, but as people began to notice, Nino suddenly stopped walking and noticed that as soon as he stopped, he saw what looked like high heel women shoes, so as he slowly looks up, it turns out he was looking at a young beautiful girl she was wearing white high heals, with a white but not to short dress, and her hair curled up with a light brown/gold highlight, with a beautiful smile and her eyes were perfect. The young woman he looked at turned out to be the age of 17 and she was known only by Jay, Nino knew that because he said "hi" to her and so he asked what her age was, then she asked him what his age was, turns out Nino is actually 16 years of age. Nino started to like her because everytime he would pass by Nozone st., he would always see her and try to ask her a few questions, he liked her because she was always happy and was the only person that seemed to show interest in him. The reason why Nino would walk where Nozone st. is was because it was the only short cut to his house and he wanted to see Jay. Once he makes it back to his house he could not stop thinking about her, even though his family were sometimes fighting, his dad drunk and acting in a stupidity manner and screaming; "who is the one that works? I bust my rear end all day just to feed you and you dont show me any RESPECT!!!. His mom in a sad mood not wanting to argue, just noddding her head. his sister having to lean on the side of a wall, hearing everything and his little baby sister crying really loud, his sister cried so loud that Nino's father had enough and you can hear a loud belt whoop sound, so loud that you heard the echo of it outside. Nino just stayed in his room, closed the door not wanting to listen to his parents argue, just thinking of livng better, he was thinking "maybe I should just wait til I'm older to get a house with no problems at all", just him all alone but then remembered about Jay, he really liked her a lot and what if that stopped him from doing what he wants to do?, what if one day he sees her again wanting to ask her more about her? what if when he gets older maybe he wanted to marry her if he knew she would be the right one for him?. Then he remembered that Jay had told him about her best friend, so he searched up her friend on social media and found her. Her name on social media was Steph about four years older than Jay. So Nino decided to text Steph and tell her about how great Jay was and how Jay would treat him. As soon as Nino began to say more about Jay, Steph interupted and said "wait...her? Steph said "she is like that with everyone, that's just her personality." Steph said in the form of a question..."ask yourself are you ready to raise a family or maintain a family?" Nino still blinded with anxiety, but said with confidence: "I want to know her more", with a smile on his face. Steph finally said "I am just going to be straight up with you, she doesn't like anyone young because I have known her for five years now and look I don't like to text boys." That is when Nino stopped texting Steph. Soon Nino began to wonder if Steph was right, he spent days, even weeks thinking if it could be true, he was sad, depressed, crying like the rain for a long couple of minutes, days, and weeks. Then it was the fifth day of the week and so Nino began to walk down Nozone st. again, approaching Jay to see if she would say hi to him as he walked passed by her, no response from her, then the next fifth day of the week he passed by again and no response, it happened every week. Then he began to think "maybe Steph was right, Maybe she does not feel the way I feel for her ever since the first walk on Nozone st." It took Nino almost a year to get her off his mind. Next as he approached Nozone st. He did not feel the same as if he did not care about her anymore as if he gave up, did not want to deal with it anymore, it suddenly just stopped. Finally his eyes opened and figured out she was always nice to everyone, talking to the grown ups, constantly laughing...and Nino?, he was just a teenager lost, nowhere to go anymore, just a random person, in the way of a young women. So he thought to himself: "what now?" As he was thinking he looked at his watch again and just focused on the watch hearing the sound "TICK TOCK TICK TOCK" still thinking he had a lot of time and he did nothing about it. He then remembered a battery from a wrist watch can last for a long time, see what I did there? anyway he also knew that if a watch stopped working you can replace the battery and it will start new again. So as Nino walked by Nozone st. as usual Jay passed by with no response. Suddenly Nino stopped, looked around, and no one was there it was pure dakness, with no sound at all, it was completely quiet. He looked at his watch one last time and said a little out loud, "what's the point of keeping time? I have no reason anymore to keep going, I give up." so he took off his watch and placed it on the concrete, turned the other way around and started to walk away with his head down and a deep frown. Then suddenly out of nowhere a voice called out "Hey!" Nino stopped and began to hear footsteps running towards him, as he turned around he saw a young girl 4 years younger than Jay and the young girl began to say "I believe you dropped this" Nino said "what do I even need it for? all that's done is waste my life, I don't need to keep track of time anymore, I have no reason to keep going, I've lost everything." As Nino began to walk away again, the young girl said "wait!, look my name is Zul, like blue in spanish, just take away the A, anyway my point is, you do still have time, I know how it feels, thinking you you can't do anything anymore, but you have a choice to keep going, maybe not for whatever is bringing you down but to make a different choice, you might think there is no choice, but one thing I've learned is that there is always a choice, it's just a matter of time." Zul then holds the watch in front of him and say's "here, just trust me, make the right choice." Nino thinking about it for a couple of seconds and say's "fine, give it here" with a smile on his face. "thank you for showing me that I have a choice, and enough time to keep going, I guess all I needed was a friend to help motivate me to make a good choice, if you consider me as a friend?" Zul said "sure" and so Nino and Zul started to walk down Nozone st. and talk about what has happend to them in the past and how they delt with it, a couple of days passed already, As they were walking and talking. The other day, Nino was walking alone and heard someone's footsteps that wasn't his, he then turned around and as he looked up, Nino couldn't believe who he saw, it turns out it was...to be continued...

Epilogue message
so my message here is that if you ever feel down, just know you can make the right choice at the right time and even have a little motivation from a friend to help you out when needed. Hopefully you'll make the right choice.

When I mentioned about the battery from a wrist watch would last a long time...it meant your old personality and by replacing it...I meant you can change your personality to a better and good one...all you need is a little motivation from someone special.

Expecting A Love Story? (In editing and more chapters coming soon!!!???) Where stories live. Discover now