I'll Be Fine (ENDING)

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"I'll be fine don't worry about me Ñai, Zul, and Alan, yeah I might've been sick for two weeks then I recovered, and so I got sick again, but don't worry about this heart condition that I might have, I'm sure it's nothing serious, maybe I don't have a heart problem, I mean we've all been mistreated 1,000 times, so I guess our little hearts just can't handle it then, I guess even though I'm a strong young man, I to have my weaknesses, all of you are my strengths, you keep me going" Nino continues to say "you know my mom she gets frustrated and starts saying all kinds of words that hurts emotionally , I one time heard her say "this is all my fault for getting married to this man, I didn't want this kind of life for you, this is what happens when you fall in love at a young age, I never should've married this man, it was a mistake". Those strong words hurt Nino emotionally, he never wants to say what is in his mind because his mother would think of it differently or would not understand him completely, but he wanted so badly to say "what do you mean by you never should've married my father? If you never would've met him, I never would've met Ñai, Alan, Zul, or Niti, They are special to me, don't you understand that I love them all to much! and if I was born in a different era or from a different person, then I wouldn't be such a sweet and kind caring person that I am today, you know everything that you do is for a purpose, and well now you gave me birth, you raised me to be this way, and I thank you for giving me this valuable life I have, so what you did by marrying my father wasn't a mistake, you did the right thing, and I love you for that mom" Nino continued thinking "you know I wonder sometimes if I never would've met anyone of them, I wonder if they would be fine, protected by someone else, loved by someone else". Nino did ask Zul one time "hey if we never would've met, would you know me today?" To which Zul responded "to be very honest, I wouldn't even know you existed". Nino was thinking "wow looks like I did the right choice by becoming friends with Zul and Ñai and they both know I am a sweet hearted person, no matter what condition I'm in I'll be there for them even though I failed once, I was in a bad condition once but I still went to school so I could see how Ñai was doing, I believe I saw her that day she was good, I just needed to make it to fifth period to see how Zul was but I was very ill, I could not concentrate at all, my brain was failing me, but in my own mind I was saying to myself Jus...just fif..fifth period and then I'll go home, just that period to see how Zul is, just for that and I'm out". Sadly Nino could not make it and he just left to which he felt bad he could not see how his friend Zul was doing. Nino kept on saying his message "I'll be fine, my heart can't be in a poor condition, but let's start of with Ñai, your real name Selena stands for a strong, sexy, kindhearted independent woman, your real name stands that you are a beautiful woman in this world that cares about everyone and no one will ever change the way you are, because Selena your sexy and sassy, those two combined are just wow, so just make sure that if I can't listen to your problems anymore, share them with someone else who understands you, who will take the time to listen to you and make sure that person is willing to do the impossible for you, don't worry about me, I'll be fine hopefully", Nino said all these words crying, he then continued to say "and you Zul, your nickname, the hidden meaning just say Zul backwards it's Luz, it is Spanish for light, you are the light that guides me out of the darkness I'm in, I don't know how but you managed to understand me, I asked you one time to make me laugh and you tried your best, I'm sorry I did not tell you, but I was feeling down so that's why I asked you to make me laugh and I appreciate your effort, so thank you Luz, I promise you I'll be fine just in case make sure to find someone that'll make you laugh everyday, a laugh a day keeps Zul to stay, after I go to the cardiovascular specialist, everything will be good, and I assure you I'll be fine", Nino had said with tears running down his face. He then continues "I know Alan is not reading this story, but I need to say that Alan you have been my best brother for life and you still are till this day, you are my main important brother, mostly because I don't have an actual brother, but yes you were always positive, so keep it that way and if I can't help you with your depression then find someone to help you out, other than that just always be happy, I know you already are, that's good bro, that's good, Damn! I wish I can stop crying like a little boy". Nino continues "Niti I know I recently met you, but it is my duty to love my friends so I just wanted to say I love you just like I love these people, I assure you that I might not have a heart problem, but I just wanted to get this off my mind, I'm sure this is nothing serious, you told me that it is nice to share the same problems to someone you can relate to, so I'm just going to say yes, yes it is and don't worry I'll always listen to you Niti, once we have a little more trust, it'll be fun for both of us, I can not promise that I will visit you due to money, but if I had enough and I understood your language, I would not think twice about it, I might as well start learning the language you speak, once that happens I want to see how fun it is over there in your country, I'll be fine before you know it". Sadly Nino has not gone to see the cardiovascular yet, his mother has to make the appointment to see how Nino's heart is doing, his mother will take him sooner or later and everything will be fine for this young man, although he has said these words, it came from his heart and now he wants to know what is in their hearts, what do they all think of him? What does his real name stand for to them? "Please tell me what you think my real name stands for even though I already have one in mind but to you my friends what does my name stand for to you?". Nino continues to say "not only was I sick twice but I felt my heart pounding fast at random points, I'm fine, I'll be fine, I'm a strong man but I sometimes get emotional when I think of all of you, if one of you were to be crying in front of me, I would also cry and ask you "what is the problem? Let me fix it, I need to fix it, I don't want you to feel this way, did someone mistreat you? Let me help, let me defend you" He continued to say "I need to make my new family happy every day or when I can, if I were in a bad condition, I would still go to you as quick as I could, I won't let anyone mistreat you, make you feel worthless. The day I can not help you anymore is the day you'll all have to find someone exactly like me but I doubt that they'll be as patient as me, but don't worry I'll be with all of you forever, maybe not forever as in literally by my side but forever as in you'll be right hear in my heart and my heart will never forget any one of you, my heart is forbidden to forget anyone I love deeply, and hey if one of you when you leave is having trouble, you are welcome to come to me but only you four, no one else is allowed to come to me when you are the ones in trouble, yes you might not get what I meant by this, but you will understand it sooner or later, anyway I just wanted to get this off my mind, my heart feels so weak, but I'll toughen out, it's what I always do, don't ever worry about me to much, I am the one to worry about you. I don't care if I have a poor heart condition, you are my values and I need to keep my values safe and protected from any danger, I will always love all of you, love doesn't have to mean boyfriend or girlfriend, sometimes it's love as in a very deep emotion you have for a lot of people, your friends, your family, love means you are willing to do anything or even the impossible for someone special in your life, you four are special in my life, I promise I'll stay with you for as long as I can, once you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, it is now their responsibility to take care of you, now if they didn't love you the way you loved them, then they are not worth it and I promise I'll still be there when you need it, no matter what happens you'll never stop being my friends and my family, if I ever get a house and I live on my own only you four are welcomed there and no else okay? P.S. I Love you a lot". And so the young fellow has promised that when he is out of the cardiovascular specialist nothing will change everything will be okay, he'll be fine, his heart may be weak but he is strong enough to toughen it out.

Long chapter, this is the end of the book, I hope you enjoyed it and this entire book you must've thought I wasn't talking about a girlfriend, no! never confuse the word love there is two meanings to it, I love my friends, this story in a way is a love story but not the kind you were thinking anyway this short story is completely done! No sequels or maybe there will be.......

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