Love? Confusion? One choice?

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Chapter 2

Nino couldn't believe who he saw, it turns out it was Steph. Nino quietly was thinking "great now what the Hell does she want, hasn't she already done enough?" But as Nino was saying those words in his mind, he wondered why he had such negative thoughts, he would never be so mean to a female and if he ever did say something offensive out loud to a female he would hate himself, but this rage he has in him he wanted so badly to kill her spirit and her pride because he knew that Steph's mom had left her when she was young. He wanted to say so many offensive and hurtful words, in his mind he was thinking "No wonder you don't have a BOYFRIEND because you're so FREAKEN STRAIGHT UP and no wonder your mom left your no good worthless sorry ASS she doesn't want you, she never LOVED YOU because of who you are!!!, looks like it was the right choice for her to LEAVE YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE, or maybe She should come back to give you a couple of good BEATINGS!!!", but the questions still stands, why would he ever do such a thing? As Nino was about to blow he paused for a moment and remembered something Zul had said to him when they were talking, she said "Never get on your bad side, ok?" Nino had calmed down with a scared expression on his face. He faced the other way and as he thought about what Zul had said, he started crying because he knew that Zul actually understands him. Nino's emotions were mixed he didn't know what he was doing. Nino hadn't heard a word Steph had said. But once he was focused he then heard what Steph asked at that moment, she said "why are you turning around, didn't you hear what I said!?" As Nino pulled himself together, he said "sorry, continue what you were saying." She said "tell Your sister that there is going to be a party specifically for teenagers, I want her to come." Nino with a sigh said "okay I'll tell her when I get home." Once Nino made it to the house he told his sister immediately. A couple days have passed, Nino did anything any other teenager would do which is to clean up the house a little, then one day his mother had to go run Errands, She said to clean up the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, take out the trash, etc. So he did his best job he could do which took him exactly 3 hours and once he finally was going to take a break his mom arrived and Nino said "wow this house looks new again" once his mom was inside the house, all Nino wanted to hear was a "Thank you" from his mom, he didn't want any money, but as a couple minutes passed, no response from her. After a while his mother noticed something wrong with her son, she asked "why are you mad?" Nino told her "all I wanted was a thank you because all of the hard work I'd done." So then his mom finally said "thank you" and even served him some juice. At that point Nino didn't care anymore it was already to late. A few more days passed and Nino was still cleaning because he knew his responsibilities but sometimes he couldn't hear what his mom said for him to do next, so he asked again and his mother said in a Angry tone "¿No me escuchas o que!?" (You can't hear me or what!?) So once he knew what to do, he did it. But that would happen occasionally he could not hear his mom sometimes and she said "Ay nunca escuchas!" (Ugh You never listen!) Even his father had asked him to do one thing and he could not hear and so his dad said "ese es la problema contigo nunca escuchas!!!" (That's your problem, you never listen!) then one Sunday morning Nino forgot to do something, he was suppose to do something important, he hadn't done something in a few days but could not remember what it was, but then he remembered "wait I haven't gone to do my reading studies." Then his mother was talking with his sister and said "este inactivo no ha hecho sus estudios!" (This inactive has not done his reading studies!). So Nino thought to himself "everything I do is wrong, I do not make my family happy in any way, hell all I wanted to do since I was a little young boy was to help out my family with some money they needed, that was the only reason I ever wanted to work, but they don't understand that, mostly because I never told them, all I ever wanted to do was make my family proud." Nino was a very young man with a very strong heart but there is one weakness, he gets emotionally attached to everyone he loves. Once he thought about everyone he loves, he thought of Zul, Nino Loved Zul. (not in the way that he loved her as a girlfriend, No!) he loved her in a way because she always managed to understand him. Although if he ever felt a desire to love her as a girlfriend, he is not allowed to, because he himself has said "I Will Not Ask You Out On A Date!, Because YOU ARE A ONE AND ONLY TRUE FRIEND THAT HAS STILL STAYED BY MY SIDE." As time passed, it was finally the day of the party, Nino had to go and so he did. Once he sat down he just sat there for the entire party eating and drinking warm beverages and as the music played he looked up at the dark, but beautiful night sky. He saw a few stars and remembered that Zul had told him that she loves to see the stars. Once the party was over Steph's father had given Nino and his sister a ride home. A few more days have passed and it was finally time to go back to school. Once Nino made it to school, he then remembered that Zul was barely going to begin the same school as him, she was going to be a freshman. Once Nino was in school, he wanted to say hi to Zul, but the only problem was that he felt embarrassed to say hi to Zul since she was with her friends, he thought to himself "if I say hi to her, her friends will think a whole different story and not only will I feel embarrassed but I think her as well." Every single day Nino would feel embarrassed to say hi to Zul, he kept thinking that he would mess up his words and it would feel weird at that moment for both of them. Then one day Nino was in Math class doing his work like usual, the only difference was that he paused for a moment to think about Zul, what was strange is that he wasn't thinking about her like the way he use to think about Jay, he remembered that Zul had asthma and was worried about it, but in his mind he could see her eyes, there was just something about them. Suddenly Nino stopped and thought to himself "wait why am I thinking about Zul?,why am I thinking about her eyes? Do I love her? NO! He stated that can't be right". Afterwards Nino texted Zul what had happened and so Zul responded "why were you thinking about me?" Nino was filled with confusion and said "I don't know but I stopped and focused on my work"...Zul said "that's what you should be doing" Nino was thinking "No! I do not love her, that was just a one time" although he felt paranoid and every time he would walk around school he thought he had saw Zul but it wasn't her. Again he walked and still wasn't her even though he thought he saw her. Then one morning as he was walking he walked right passed someone and it felt as if time was going slow. He saw a young sexy girl with yellow/gold highlights and the back of her hair was flawless, sometimes she would wave it around and it was just so sexy and attractive. Nino was thinking "DAM! (Whistling) Who is that sexy goodness? And why am I so attracted?". Nino had heard her voice say something in Spanish to one of her friends and said "woah even her voice is sexy, how can this girl be so sexy?" Nino's faced had lost all concentration and wanted to focus on just that sexy girl. He then asked Zul by text "who is that sexy? Hmm?" Zul then responded "oh her, yeah that's Nai (Ña-y), also yeah she's my sister", Nino's eyes were popped wide open with surprise (like this 0.0). He murmured in his mind wait that...that's...your sis..sis...sister? Zul responded "yup" Nino then said "well I don't wanna bother you or anything but is she single? If you know what I mean", Nino had said in a flirty way. Although Nino's mind was going wild, he thought to himself "man what am I thinking? I can't handle to much of that sexiness, HOT DAMN!!!" Then Nino said "wait! If I ever have the chance to go out with her and she says yes... then what about Zul? Wouldn't that affect our friendship later? Doesn't that mean things wouldn't be the same later? But what if I leave Zul, I can't she's my friend, but what if she leaves me? What if Nai doesn't love me the way I believe I love her? What should I do? Well I guess there's only one choice this time. The choice is for me to love them both as friends and to protect them for as long as I can, no matter what it costs me!"

Expecting A Love Story? (In editing and more chapters coming soon!!!???) Where stories live. Discover now