Four Loved Ones

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Chapter 4

Nino Loved Ñai, Zul, Alan, and his fourth main important friend he met recently, she goes by the name of Niti (Nee-tea). Alan was a very good friend for about two years and he still is to this day, but to Nino Alan is his best brother for life, he was always there when Nino needed help or when Nino felt confused about his emotions, Alan would always be positive and say "Bro if you love her, get at her." Nino liked the way that he was always a positive young man, although he was older than Nino by one year. Nino most of the time thought Alan never had any negative thoughts or views, but that all changed one very emotional, yet interesting night. Nino was talking with him, everything seemed to be normal, Alan was talking about video games and how good he was at it. But feelings turned the other way around when Alan said "you know sorry bro but I've been having a lot of problems lately, so I don't feel like talking right now, maybe I'll give you a text later. So Nino went to his house, the time was exactly 8:00 P.M. when all of a sudden Nino got a text from Alan saying " you see my friend is in the hospital and I don't know his condition, I just hope he's okay". Nino said "don't worry, he'll be fine before you know it of anything bro, I'm here for you and not just only you but Ñai and Zul as well. I've always wanted to help Zul in any way I could, but it turns out she helps me more then anyone else, also you might not realize it, but the name Zul, there's a secret hidden meaning to her name that no one knows as of now, not even her, but she will know it sooner or later". Alan said "Wow, thanks bro, a secret meaning? and what about Ñai?" "You're welcome and Ñai even though I already asked her out, she's still with me and is always there, yeah we talk about way beyond the limits, that it doesn't sound like we're just friends, but now I know she likes to play around like that, so I go with it and I never get bored, plus she told me "We all need you, you are special, and we need more sweet people like you in this world". "Do you have any idea that what she said, made me cry of happiness, I'm so lucky to have all of you in my life" Nino said crying. "The only problem is that sometimes I get mixed emotions, I either think I'm in love, I am worthless, or I just get so mad at myself!" Nino said. Nino was right, one day without thinking he texted Alan, his emotion at the time was feeling worthless, in his text he said "What am I?...what kind of a friend am I who can't say hi to Zul...That gets jealous very easily I'm such a bad friend, if she never would've met me she'd be better off without me, she doesn't need me, I'm so annoying, I'm so me, looks like I am the problem, I'm always a problem to everyone and my family, I'm such a waste, I don't deserve to be called a friend, I'm such a disappointment, its not the first time I've been called that anyway"
Alan said "Chill if that's how you feel than stay away from her then" Nino got pissed and said "You sound like Steph when she told me stop liking Jay which makes me even more mad!!!
When she told me those hurtful words I was about to go straight up to her face about to blow until Zul said "never get on your bad side OK?" It helped calm me down a lot. I guess I just live under the pitch darkness, but no I don't love Zul that way. You know I put my stupid problems aside to focus on all of you, to see what all your problems are, to try and help you Zul, and Ñai I've managed to help you, managed to comfort Ñai but Zul is a tough girl, she's strong and sweet when she wants to be, I would never quit on all of you, so that's the reason I can't quit. I need to help, I need to protect you and most importantly be sweet to all of you, no matter how hard it is". Once it was Monday, everyone had to go back to school, Nino's first subject was history after history it was science. During science the teacher wrote on the board for bell work it said: write a letter to someone you are thankful for having in your life and yes you can pick more than one person. Nino was thinking "who should I write a letter to? Oh that's right I'll write a letter to Zul and Ñai, but not Alan though, I'll thank him later a different way for obvious reasons". In the letter he wrote: To Zul- I am thankful for having you in my life, you said that you believe I can do anything I put my mind to and so I did and now I am willing to put my mind to you and help you out in any way when needed" "okay that's good" Nino said. Next we have Ñai, let's see: To Ñai- I am thankful to have you in my life because you have showed me that I am special, you are special to me as well, your heart is strong yet weak I like your personality so never change the way you are". Nino even gave Ñai a little gift to go with it. He had to give the notes to Zul since he didn't see Ñai in school. They both appreciated it. Ñai was thanking Nino like 1,000 times for the note and the gift, and Zul also thanked Nino. Afterwards Nino got a text from Alan saying "Hey bro guess what, my friend that was in the hospital, he's all good now and the first thing he wanted to was play games, kinda funny". "Bro that's awesome" Nino said. Nino then continued to say "hey bro I made a new friend, her name is Niti" "Nice bro" Alan said. Nino then proceeded to say "yeah if I would have met her earlier, I would've made her a note too, but you know it's nice to know someone from a different country, you get to know what kinds of food they eat, what are their hobbies, what they like to do, how different there school is, her other name is uncommon, which I don't know why but I like uncommon names, also she loves to read, like just wow, maybe when I'm older I might pay a visit or she could visit over here if she likes, her personality is confusing to understand but other than that she might be even sweeter than me although I didn't write a letter to her if I did it would say "I can't believe I have met you a person that no lie is sweeter than me, you are the one that asked first who and how I am, and I like that about people, your name is Niti which makes sense because it rhymes with sweety you're now my new friend and I swear you'll always will be til the end". Nino in his mind was thinking " you are all my closest friends, and don't worry I promise to help all of you when needed, if you cry I'll be there, if you want to share your problems, share them with me, I am the one to trust, and when you're with me I promise it'll be fun. Nino loves his four friends and now he is willing to make every single one of them laugh and smile, which includes Niti of course. Wow imagine this one young man, his heart is placed on them, even though it's been feeling weaker and weaker. Nino in his mind thought "why do I feel so weak from my heart? Is it anxiety? Oh no I hope it's not what I think it is, hopefully it's not.

Yo so yeah sorry this chapter is short and took a long time, school you know, anyway hope you enjoyed it and next chapters coming soon

What's wrong with his heart!?

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