Chapter three - Familiar

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Andrea's POV-

"I'm Four and this is Tori, we are two of the four trainers this year. We will be training you to be proper dauntless." Four looks to Tori who begins to talk. "Usually we train dauntless born and new initiates separately, but because of small numbers you will be training together. Follow me on this tour around and we'll bring to to your sleeping quarters." She explains and we all follow her.

We walk until we reach a double door which Tori opens. "This is the pit, the life of dauntless. People meet up and socialise here. Also drink. You will learn to love it believe me." She laughs to herself and keeps walking. We walk past some dauntless laughing and playing games. Some drinking and some well... making out. I see rows of shops and tattoo places. Some restaurants and lots of bars and nightclubs. Even a gym.

We walk over to the other side of the large room and I hear running water. We reach a bridge and Tori stops. "This is the chasm. There is a difference between bravery and stupidity, remember that especially here" she warns us and we nod. We walk along the bridge and I realise there is no railing on one side. I look over and see the jagged rocks that sit under the crashing waves.

We walk down some dark corridors and down a set of stairs. We make two right turns and stop at an old wooden door. Tori gets out a rusty key and shoves it in the lock, turning once. The door pushes open and she walks in. We follow and freeze in the terror of what we see. I had heard stories of how bad the dorms were but really? There are rows of beds with mattresses as thin as a pancake. There is an open room at the back with toilets and bath tubs. "The shower room is across the hall." Four states and we all nod, to shocked to say anything. You have until dinner to do what you want. Your not allowed to wear clothes from your old faction. Leave them on your bed and we will burn them for you. I suggest you get some clothes in the pit and dinner is at 6:00" without warning they walk out and leave us to our business. This is the first time I get a good look at the initiates. There is 7 dauntless borns, 3 abnegation, 2 candors, no amity and 1 erudite. Usually there is less abnegation. Three of the dauntless are girls and 4 boys. Two abnegation are boys and one girl. The both candors are boys and of course the erudite is a girl. I look over to Tyler who just plops down on a bed, claiming it for himself. I take the one beside him and lie on the pillow. I close my eyes and I must fall asleep because I wake up to Tyler shaking me. "Wake up. We have 25 minutes before dinner" he says and I just sit up. "How long was I out?" "About 30 minutes" he answers and I nod. We get up and head out the door.

"Those dorms are horrifying" Tyler groans as we walk out of the sleeping quarters. "I know" I moan back and he looks at me. "Picked a name yet?" He asks and I nod. "Andy" I reply and he smiles. "Nice choice, come on Four told us to change into some dauntless clothes, let's head to the shops." He says and I nod. We walk the way four showed us to the pit, passing laughing dauntless along the way. We arrive at a shop called 'young and free'.We enter and begin to look at some possible outfits. I pick up some nice things in preparation for the stages ahead, but for today I just want something that makes me look dauntless, not like a nerd trying to be dauntless. I pick up a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a black cropped jumper with white stripes at the arms. I pick up a pair of heeled combat boots and a black velvet choker. I head up to the counter and the lady smiles at me. Since we are initiates it would be impossible to pay for stuff so we were given a student I.d. To pay for all the things. The girl checks my I.d. and puts my clothes in a bag for me. I walk out into the pit again and Tyler follows.

We head back to the dorms and change into our new clothes. It feels weird wearing skin tight things, but I like it. I leave my hair alone and see Tyler is ready for dinner. We head out into the corridor and walk around until we find the dining hall. We were told dinner is at 6:00 and it's 6:00 on the dot now. We enter and all I see is a sea of dauntless. They are all laughing and chatting and fighting. I look to Tyler who points to a vacant seat. I nod and we make our way over their and I see it's right beside Four. Great. I sit down and look in the centre of the table. There is a tray with hamburgers so I take one. I put it on my plate and Tyler takes one too. "You don't eat meat?" A girl says surprised. I look over to an amity having a conversation with an abnegation . "I do I've just never had one of those before" the abnegation admits. "I can't believe you've never had a hamburger" the candor says in disbelief and I snigger. They turn to look at me and the amity laughs too. "What's your name?" She asks and I swallow my meat. "Andy, and you?" "Zara, and this is maya." She introduces herself and the stiff I nod and look to Tyler. We just sit and chat with the amity for a bit and then I look over to four. He looks up at me with a  smile. "Sorry for scaring you on the roof it was a-" "a test I know" I stop him mid sentence. He laughs lightly and takes a bite of his burger. So he's not so mean after all. "Do you know how to shoot?" He asks and I shake my head. "But I'll try" I smile and he does too. I look back to Tyler who is eyeing a piece of chocolate cake in the centre of the table. I laugh and take a slice. I hand him one too and he digs in. "Dauntless cake, best you'll ever have" four speaks up again and I smile. "I bet it is" I take a bit and see what he's talking about, this is amazing. "Oh my god this is so good" "your hooked already" Tyler whispers and I giggle. I take another bite of the cake and look around. I see a table from across the room, the dauntless born table. Someone looks right at me and smiles. I think his name was Dominic. I smile back and look at my food again.

"You'll be training with the dauntless born because of the low numbers, so be ready" four states before standing up. He walks off over to his friends and I just continue eating. We just talk about our old factions.
Tyler came from a family who didn't really care what he did. I didn't dare tell him about my aunt being Jeanine Matthews or how I was meant to be the next leader of erudite. I just tell him that I had a loving family, even if it's a lie. There is no point in jeopardising a new friendship with my family life. I'm a new me.

I finish my cake and Tyler is just sitting there, tapping his finger on the table. "So, did you have any siblings?" He asks and I bite my tounge. "Yes, a brother" I reply. "How old?" "18 now I think" I answer and he nods. "What about you?" I ask and he shakes his head. "My little sister died when I was 5" he replies under his breath and my mouth goes into a straight line. "Oh I'm so sorry" I say shortly and he smiles a small smile. "Don't be" he says and I just try to smile back.

I think about Eric sometimes, quite allot actually. I miss him terribly. I reread his choosing day almost every morning.I think part of it is I don't even know where he is, how he's doing. It upsets me to think of reasons why he wouldn't tell me where he was going. Maybe he wanted to completely cut his family out of the picture, maybe that includes me. Or maybe he was trying to protect me, what from I am unsure but I'm positive he has his reasons.

I get up and begin to walk out of the hall, when I run into four. "Are you guys heading to bed? You have training tomorrow" he questions and I nod. I look around and four laughs. "You guys are lost, aren't you?" I look at the floor embarrassed. "I'll take you guys back." He offers and I nod a thank you. We begin to leave the hall after four but he is stopped by max. Four rolls his eyes and nods. "I got some business to take care of but just wait here and I'll bring you guys back in a second" he walks off and Tyler and I sit back down. "Why is four being so nice to us?" Tyler laughs and I shake my head. "He obviously feels bad for us" I giggle. We just sit here for about 15 minutes and talk about what we think training will be like.

I look over to Four who beckons me over to him. Me and Tyler stand and walk over to the table. "So Four who are your friends?" A familiar voice asks. I can't quite place who it's from. "This is Tyler and Andy, they're  initiates" I look at the man and see he is covered in tattoos. His arms and neck have a maze design. He has an eyebrow piercing. I look into his eyes and see icy blue pupils. Oh my god, it's him. It's Eric.

"Guys this is Eric, a leader here in dauntless" four explains and I only nod. He's here. In dauntless. Eric doesn't look directly at me, but I know he knows it's me. He widens his eyes slightly and then the they go back to being cold and lifeless. "You guys better get some sleep, I'll bring you back" four says and Eric looks back to his food. We stand up and walk out of the hall. I realise I'm being distant and that someone would notice me. I could tell that Eric didn't want anyone to know he's my brother, he would have said I was his sister back there if he did. Maybe he did want to leave his past behind, maybe I was right.

"You ok?" Tyler asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah I'm fine" I swallow and continue to follow four down hallways that lead to the dorms. "What do you think of that Eric dude?" Tyler whispers and I just try to calm myself. "He seems a bit self centred to me." He continues and I just nod. The Eric I knew wasn't self centred, but what do I know? I haven't seen him in two years. Four leaves us off at the dorm door and begins to walk the other way. "Thank you!" I call after him and he stops and turns around. "No problem! Get some rest!"

We walk into the dorm and get straight into bed, we have a big day tomorrow after all. The moment my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.

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