Chapter 1: an unusual pairing

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( Luna's p.o.v)

"Hey Toni why don't we set up camp on top of that building over there?" I pointed to a building that was down the road from where we were standing. She looked up to where I was pointing and looked it over. 

"Sure, it looks stable enough and it's almost night so it is better then nothing. also I really don't want to run into Red again." She started off down the road towards the building. I followed after her. As we walked down the road I became interested in Toni. She wouldn't tell me anything other then her nickname..... Which was odd. 

"Toni? Can I ask you a question?" She slowed and looked at me.

"Sure, whats up?" I got shy all of a sudden. She looked me over when I didn't respond right away.

"Um.. I was wondering about um..... Your family? Are they still alive?" She went silent. I felt bad, maybe I had brought up some bad memories for her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. For-"

"I woke up one day, no family. Nothing. It looked as though they had simply vanished. I looked everywhere for them but all I could find was pictures of us and my little twin siblings stuffed animals." Toni pulled off her bag, setting on the ground. I watched as she opened it and pulled out a stuffed bear and a stuffed sheep.

"I found these when I had first met Red. I had been out on a supply run when I found a group of men all in matching suits. The leader, Red, offered to let me join the group as long as I would follow his rules and go on supply runs for him. I said sure." Her face started to blush. I couldn't tell if it was in anger or in sadness. 

"I had been with the group for a month when Red came to me and asked why I never ate the food that they gave me. That was the day I found out that he was a cannibal. I left that evening but not before taking as much as I could of their stuff. I looked into a room and saw these laying on the floor along with other belongings of my siblings. I cou-couldn't  believe what Red had done...." Toni started to tear up, I quickly went to her. I wish I had never asked.

I helped dry her tears and re-pack her bag. Once we were done we set off back towards the building. I wanted to make it up to her.

"Do you want to hear about my family?" Toni looked over to me. She kept walking as she responded.

"Sure, it's only fair for you to tell me yours now that you know mine." I smiled. When I had first met Toni she was very closed off. It took me a week to finally convince her to tell me her nickname. 

"I lived with my mom and older brother Greyson in an apartment, we lived on an island named Seaport. I woke up one day and I couldn't find my mom, my older brother was still asleep in bed so I went out to try and find my mom, that's when I saw a walker for the first time. It scared me so bad that I ran back up to our apartment to tell Greyson but I couldn't find him." I sighed. We entered the building. Toni pulled out her M9 and started to clear out some of the walkers that we saw. I pulled out my gun and shot the two zombies that were next to me. I turned and saw Toni finish off a zombie with some crazy shooting. 

"I have so many questions that I want to ask you." Toni rolled her eyes at my comment and started up the stairs, clearing out each floor one by one. I followed behind and picked up all of the loot we found. It took us a while to make it to the top floor and by then I was tired. The sun had set and the moon had come out giving off soft light. I set down my bags and took off my weapons so I could sleep and not worry about getting hurt.

(Toni's p.o.v)

Luna set her bags down and laid on the floor, I smiled. 

"Don't you want to set up your sleeping bag before you sleep? I'm sure that is way more comfortable." Luna grabbed out a roll from her bag and set it out. I moved her weapons from the floor where she left them and put them near the bags. 

"I'm going to sleep now, Is that okay?" Luna asked. I nodded as I was distracted setting up my gun. It was silent except for Luna's breathing and the clicks from my gun as I attached things to it.  I placed a stand on the wall and set my gun on it so it pointed down at the ground below the building.

"Toni?" I looked at Luna, who had rolled over so she was looking at me. "How and when did you learn how to use a sniper like that?" I looked her over. I trusted her but I knew that if I told her the real answer then she would just have more questions for me.

"I'll tell you eventually, but not tonight. You need to sleep so when we need to get going tomorrow you're not tired. Okay?" I knelt next to Luna and pulled a blanket over her. I cared for Luna, everything I did was for her so she could survive this mess of a world. Luna sniggled into the blanket and closed her eye's.

"Goodnight Toni." I placed my hand on her hair.

"Goodnight Luna, sleep well." I stood from Luna and walked over to my gun. now that Luna was asleep it was time for me to keep watch. I made sure that I had enough ammo for my gun and that the roof was secure so I only had to watch the outside of the building.


(Luna's p.o.v)

I woke up with the sun in my eye's. I sat up and looked over to Toni. She sat on the wall with her gun on her lap, she was cleaning it, a habit of hers. I had started to clean up my sleeping bag when Toni spoke.

"Today we need to keep moving, last night I saw quite a few walker's that could easily turn into a hoard if shots were fired." I felt bad, I had slept all night while Toni had stayed up watching over me.

"what do you need me to do?" Toni handed me a backpack.

I need you to carry your backpack like normal. I got my bag so we are good." Toni picked up her bag and started to unblock the door. I looked out over the side of the building enjoying the view and also looking and making sure that nothing bad was waiting for us on the ground. I looked at the stop light that was right next to our building. I couldn't see....... Wait who are they? 

"Toni! We have a problem!" I whipped to look at Toni. She ran over to where I stood and pulled out her sniper. She was quiet for a bit before she spoke with a commanding voice that I had never heard before.

"Luna we need to head down quickly and quietly. There is a group of four people pointing their guns at one who is standing in front of them. I will lead but I want you right behind me and when I tell you to I want you to run. Got it?" I nodded and followed her down the steps.

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