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This is so fuckin' cliche.
Everyone's got their story going, & everyone has everything cleared out for the future.
This is bullshit.
Somehow, my fucking ancestors had beef with everyone. Beef, as in, problems. I'm not really educated. Whatever. Who gives a shit? Education isn't about knowing how to talk, or how to calculate, it's about knowing how to act.
I'm not educated at all if that's the actual meaning.

Why are clans affiliated with colors? That's childish. We aren't in preschool. Get some fuckin' badass name. The Bloody Werewolves or some shit like that. Who fucking calls their clan the 'Black' clan?

That's what I meant by cliche. It sounds like we're all a bunch of emo people, rocking to Heavy Metal & covered in endless piercings. (a/n; this line isn't supposed to offend anyone.)

It's better than pink though. But black is way too cliche. Any color is cliche.
Everything is cliche when you've seen a little too much.

People always want to explore, to conquer, to learn, to travel around the world, to meet new people. It doesn't really do anything. Is it for self esteem? Does it provide you with a feeling of accomplishment?
Personally, accomplishment is achieved when you're bored of life. You can't think of anything to do anymore. You've already ate that sort of ice cream, or you've already seen that new movie. Of course, those examples come down to the basics for idiots.
For proper Homo sapiens who have evolved with a brain, further explanation shouldn't be needed.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the emo clan. Sorry, the black clan. I always get 'em mixed.

Like how the silver, gold, blue, red, green, and gray clan have abilities, well, the em- black clan doesn't have any. We're damp. We don't got shit.
We're empty. A lack of color.
We are the weakest clan. Nobody ever hears of us.
Why are we a clan if we don't have any powers, or if we don't have any purpose?
You're right, we don't have any purpose. But the fact that we're practically invisible makes us the strongest of all. We know everything.
Well, I know everything. Everybody else of the black clan is gone. Not sure where, and I'm still looking.
But I've got my eyes on someone.

Ain't no way it can be the silver King. That dude is so fucking dumb. He's got a cat & a gay dude as allies. No.

The gold King is dead. The gold clan is weak without any leader. Why would they even bother with us?

The blue clan is a possibility. The leader is rather troublesome. But there wasn't any trace of his flame on us.

周防 尊 ー Suoh Mikoto.

Sexuality; Male.
Age; 24.
Affiliation; King of the red clan.

I hate him. He's a cunt.
Not really. He's kind of hot thinking about it. But I still hate him, because these three informations are the only ones I've got. I have no idea of his allies, of his clan, what the fuck he's doing with his life, where the fuck he lives. Do you know how insulting that is for the black clan, professional spies?
Yeah, we're just that. Spies. We lurk on others 'cause we don't have anything else to do. We're too boring to talk to each other, and so we learn about others, and whenever they become annoying, we scratch them off.
The gold King is dead. The green King is dead. The gray King is dead. They're all dead 'cause one's disabled, another's old as fuck, and the other is just a plain weirdo. Yeah, they're dead because they disgusted us.
Hell yeah, one hell of a fuckin' clan.
The red clan's been disgusting me for years. I don't like 'em. They're a bunch of kids that should still be in highschool.
Mikoto smokes like a fucking train pipe. How come doesn't he have cancer yet?
I wish his clan would just die.

It never happened.

Well, you see, the black clan isn't known because their abilities aren't visible to the naked eye.
We can kill people, by simply wanting to. Hit me up if you need me to kill off your math teacher or somethin'.

You have no idea how many times I've desperately wished for his clan to die. To die a fucking horrible death. It never fucking happened. Why? Well, I don't fuckin' know! Mikoto's a God of some sort or what? He ain't unkillable! His flame ain't shit! He's just.. human! Why can't I kill him?

How did he figure out that we killed Tatara?

.. How is he protecting his clan?

a/n; hey guyss
i hope you enjoyed the first chapter, which is more of an epilogue. i felt really comfortable writing this chapter. if you feel offended by anything that's mentioned here,

 if you feel offended by anything that's mentioned here,

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thanks boo

lmao im so hyped to write more but im sweating like crazy rn because of how hype I am so ill chillaxx and hopefully ill see you next week babes


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