Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I sat on the couch comfortably with Jen, it felt like we were back to our old lives but we were soon taken out of the fantasy when the front door slammed.

Jen took a protective position in front of me practically sitting on me.

"Kat where are you?" Kai's voice sent a shiver down my spine. My body called out to him but I kept myself silent.

"Just stay quiet I'm going to go talk to him." Jen whispered sneaking out of the room quietly.

I sat there in complete silence and I could hear grunts and growls. I grew impatient and my curiosity got the better of me. I crept out of the room and followed the sounds of muffled shouting.

At possibly the best moment, the floor board underneath me decided to creak and it was loud.

The shouting stopped and I sucked in a large breath and ran back to the room, I thought I was running fast but I guess it wasn't fast enough. A pair of arms surrounded me and my body was engulfed by sparks.

The perpetrator held me tightly and i tried to fight against him but the feeling he was giving my brought me to a stand still.

I hated this because I really didn't want to be around him not after what he did. "Let me go." My voice sounded strangled and broken but I felt myself being lowered to the ground.

I turned to face him once the sparks had finished their rounds on my body. Anger flared in my eyes and I slapped him as hard as I could. Hot tears were streaming down my face as I stormed off I had no idea where I was going.

I knew why I was angry but it was as if my hand was controlling itself when I slapped him.

"Katie?" I small voice from behind questioned, it was so quite that I almost missed it. "What happened?"

I turned and saw my younger sister but she was with Nate. What made it worse was his arm was over her shoulder and she was wearing one of his shirts.

Mercury began to fill my mouth, "I need to be alone." I felt the mercury dribble down my chin. It was filling my mouth faster and I felt an acid bubbling in my stomach.

I looked around for the nearest escape and it seemed like the only point of escape was a window. Without a second thought I ran and jumped out the window. I forgot that I was on the third floor, second and I probably would have been fine but no it was the third. I heard my ankle crack on impact and to top if off I threw up about a litre of mercury.

Screams swarmed through my brain and I let out one of my own. Then I did something absolutely brilliant. Sense the sarcasm. I blacked out.

When I finally came to the first thing I saw was a concerned looking face belonging to Jen. I sat up straight looking around the room that I was in and I was also looking to see if Kai was here. I relaxed when I couldn't see him, I didn't want him near me.

Jen scowled at me and thumped my forehead.

"Ow, why'd you do that?" I asked rubbing the space between my eyebrows.

"'Why do you think? You slapped Kai, then ran away and to put the cherry on the top of the cake. You jumped out of a third storey window." She put a firm grip on my shoulders, "you should be thankful that the only damage you did was to your ankle."

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