Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

I looked at him in complete disbelief.

"Kai why is there a ring in my cake?" I tried to remain calm, maybe it was meant for someone else.

He smiled at me looking quite uncomfortable, "I thought it would be romantic, but now I'm starting to think that maybe it wasn't the right choice."

I gave him a look, "Kai it was obviously the wrong choice. Why on earth would you think that giving me a ring on our first date? I know you want us to move fast but this way too much too soon, I mean dude I was rooting for you." I huffed a stared at the ring fully noticing it's beauty and then I realised what it was.

A princess ring from pandora, I had told Jen when they came out that I wished my boyfriend would buy me one.

Kai looked away from me sheepishly, "Jennifer told me that you wanted one. I wanted to get you something that you wanted I can take it back if you don't want it. We can pretend this never happened."

He reached over to grab it and guilt washed over me. I reached out and grabbed his hand before he got a chance to grab it.

"Kai I'm so sorry for over-reacting. This is the sweetest, most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me." I moved our connected hands to beside the plate of cake instead of them being awkwardly hovering above a potential chocolatey disaster.

He released a relieved breath, "Kat the ring was just a gesture it was nothing to serious but I would be honoured if you wore it." With his other hand he took the ring out of the box and held it up to me.

I smiled at him, "Kai I would love to wear the ring. On one condition though." He raised his eyebrow at me, "you have to train me."

With gentle hands he placed the ring on my ring finger on my right hand. "Then it's a sealed deal, we'll start tomorrow." A breath-taking smile took over his face and it brought one to mine as well.

I gazed at the crown that was now on my finger, "so what does that mean now? Am I your girlfriend?" I chuckled and still ogled the rose gold beauty.

"Well if you want to be my girlfriend I wont say no. Why would you say no though, it's not like there's much better options on the table." He was teasing me so I decided why not go along with it and add my flair too.

"Um..." I tapped my chin, pretending to be in thought. "Nah, I think I'll go for another one but I'll keep the ring I think it suits me."

"Oh really but that ring was meant for my girlfriend and I don't think she'd appreciate you sitting here with me." He leaned towards me a smirk on his face, "I don't think she wants to see a drop-dead gorgeous girl sitting with her boyfriend."

Okay that shut me right up and caused heat to rise to my cheeks. "You win," I started eating the slightly cold chocolate cake. With a half full mouth I continued on, "so if you'll still have me, I'd love to be your girlfriend."

He too dug into the cake, "Kat I could never turn you down. No matter how hard I try you just fill my every thought, you're probably the best thing that's happened to me Kat and I never want you to leave me again."

I wanted to leap over the table and hug him, "I wont Kai, I don't think I'll ever want to."

Time passed by around us but we were lost in each other's presence.

"Excuse me sir, madam we're closing now and when you're ready would you please make your way home?" The waitress from earlier brought us out of our state and when I looked back at her she was completely covered up. "I want to apologise for earlier, I wasn't aware that you two were mates. I didn't mean to insult you."

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