1 : Houston, we have a problem

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1. The band is named after a character in Barbarella. The Fab Five sought inspiration for their name in Roger Vadim's classic 1968 movie starring Jane Fonda. The villain in the film, played by Milo O'Shea, is called "Dr Durand Durand".



Time flies by so fast that I barely even noticed that Led Zeppelin have already disbanded, whats more shocking is that it happened two years ago.

It was all over the news, of course, they were Led Zeppelin for Pete's sake, and there I was, too busy with my practice for the last 2 years to not noticed that the world was going through a great depression, well not literally.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Houston Texas, local time is 7:16 am On behalf of Airgem Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day!"

I felt people started to fill the aisle carrying their bags, I waited a few minutes until I stood up.

I got my bag from the top compartment before standing at the short beeline.

"Welcome to Houston maam!"

The beautiful stewardess beamed at me flashing her smile as I approached the door.

I smiled back before carefully stepping out into the cold air, my shoes clinking against the metal stairs.

The second I stepped into the airport I looked for a pay phone, luckily I easily found one near a coffee booth.

After a few rings, he answered.

"Hello, who's this?"

"Dad, it's Ade"

"Oh! You've arrived" He said cheerfully.

"Obviously" I joked. "I'm at the airport, when do you think you can pick me up?"

"I'll send my driver right away, he knows who you are, he'll meet you up front with a black Chevy ok?"

"Ok" I nodded even though he couldn't really see me. "I'll be here"

"See you in a while sweetie, I love you"

"See you, I love you two"

My father Bailey Penn is a talent manager of some famous artist, the room he had back on our house was filled with signed posters and pictures of him with famous rock stars, one that was hanged at the center of the room was a photo of him and The Bee Gees a few years back, and even though him and mom separated since I was 16, she never took them down, she was kind of proud and showed the room to her friends whenever they visit the house.

I bought myself a cup of coffee as I waited outside the airport.

It was much warmer here than in Birmingham, and somehow the people here are much more fast paced.

The cool wind was blowing on my hair, I tried to tuck it behind my ears but it was useless, my long brown hair in all directions I had to put my coffee down.

After 5 minutes I saw a black Chevy ahead, it slowly pulled infront of me before a man stepped out of the drivers seat.

He circled across the car and walked to me.

"Hi, I'm Shane" He introduced himself smiling. "Your father Mr. Penn sent me to pick you up"

I shook his hand and returned his smile. "I'm Adriana"

John f*cking TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now