Chapter Four: Do We Tell Everyone?

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                 Walking Home
                  Puck' s POV
We walked back to the house after our adventure. The Jaberwocky, me, then the best part the kiss. But I still had to wonder: are we gonna tell them? I thought in my head super confused. I know Daphne and Red would be super happy. They think me and Sabrina are their, what's the word? OTP. Yeah that's it. Granny would be happy with it, I think everyone would be ok with it. Wait......her dad. He's never liked me. Especially after he found out about us getting married in the future. - I was slugged in the arm by Sabrina interrupting my thoughts. "Watcha thinking about?" She asked me. "Nothing." I lied. "Ok then." She said suspiciously. "Well, actually... I was thinking about what we should tell- or not tell the others." I said. "Oh. I haven't thought about that. What should( AN bold for emphasis) we do? I know everyone would be ok with it. Except my dad. Hmm." Sabrina answered. She was as confused as I was apparently. "I know." I said filling the silence. "Maybe we could let the conversation go. They will all be worried about you, so that should keep them busy for a bit. That'll give us time to think." She finished up. So smart. I thought getting all sappy. Quit it. I know you like her and everything but shut up!
                 Sabrina's POV
We were approaching the house. I hope my plan or sorta plan works. I don't know how Puck is feeling, but I don't think I feel comfortable telling everyone. We have barely talked about it. "Hey Sabrina?" Puck asked me, "Iwaswonderingifyouwouldbemygirlfriend?" He said very fast. I instantly turned red. "Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh....... Cmon!! Hes asking you says Yes retard!! I regained my confidence. "Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend." I said smiling. "Really?!?" "Ye-" I was cut off by Puck pulling me into a hug. He kissed my head and we stayed like that for a little bit. (AN blush😶) We pulled away from each other and laughed. "Already we're one of those couples." Puck said, thankfully breaking the awkward silence with a witty remark. We started laughing. You know.... I think I want to tell them. I mean if the conversation arrises. I thought. Smiling to myself. We walked back to the house in silence, but holding hands nonetheless. It was nice.
                Puck's POV
She's my girlfriend. I just did that. I mentally high fived myself. We walked back to the house and I smiled like crazy the rest of the way but.... this isn't you! Your supposed to be evil. The Trickster King! Snap outta- I cut my thoughts off. Well people change. I thought, my good side winning the 'thought war.'
          Time skip to house
          Sabrina's POV
"Alright, ready to be bombarded by 'Are you ok?' 'Oh let me get something for you.'?" I asked Puck while giggling. He laughed at my mockery of our family. "Yeah...but I wish we could stay out here just the two of us." Puck said sweetly. I squeezed his hand telling him silently that I would like to, too. I let go of his hand because we weren't going to tell the family unless they brought something of that topic up. "Well here we go!" He said smiling at me. I smiled back and he pushed the door open. The whole family from Mr. Canis to Daphne was standing at the door smiling at us. "Sabrina! PUCK! Are you ok?!"  Granny said kinda rushing past me. It didn't hurt my feelings, I was glad not to get any of the attention. And here comes Sabrina being a social butterfly as usual! I thought to myself. Snickering out loud, thankfully no one noticed. I followed the family into our small but cozy living room to see Puck already snuggled up on the couch. I would love to snuggle up with him. I almost stopped myself, but I let my thoughts go on. He is my boyfriend after all. After a little while the whole family had settled down about Puck, he and I reassured them 5 times that he was ok. I was in my room thinking about everything when Daphne came in and plopped down on her bed. "Hey." She said to me smiling, "what's up?" "Nothing much" I replied. "Really cause you have your thinking face on." She said. "I'm just thinking about something." I said. Then I realized: crap! Look what ya did she's gonna ask you now. I was right, she did. "Oh oh oh!! I wanna know!" She said yelling. I knew it. I thought. Might as well tell her, plus she's kept all of your secrets safe so far. I thought. "Well.....fine. So me and Puck kinda sorta kissed. And now we're dating." I said, while smiling immensely. "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MAAAAAAAHHHHHH GAAAAAWWWWWWDDDD!!!! MY SHIP!!!" Daphne screamed. I covered her mouth before she could scream more. "Ahhh! This is a secret!!" I shush-told her. She licked my hand making me take my hand off of her mouth and wipe it on my shirt. "I hate it when you do that." I said rolling my eyes at her but smiling. "I'm so excited for you two! And finally! Can I tell Red pllllleeeeeeaaaassseee????" She begged me. "Ummm....i have to ask Puck first." "Ok will you go now though? I can't hold this secret from her much longer!" She said jumping up and down and biting her palm as she always does when she's excited. I stood up "Alright I'm going! I'm going!" I said while walking out of our bedroom.
                  Puck's Room
           Puck's POV
I had gotten off of the couch a little while ago, I needed some alone time. The Grimm's are sweet, but The Trickster King needs his space! I was laying on my bed/trampoline when I heard a knock on my door. "It's open!" I yelled. Sabrina walked in, "hey" she said to me. "Hey girlfriend." I said, smiling. " like I know that I'm your girlfriend don't say it like some guys do please." She laughed and rolled her eyes at me. "Ok girlfriend." I said just to annoy her. She laughed and jumped up onto the trampoline with me. She sat down and looked at me. I sat up so we were face to face. "I wanted to tell you something... so I accidentally told Daphne about us." She said, she looked like she was bracing for me yelling. "You told Marshmallow? Cool. What do she say?" I asked. I wasn't mad, she was the first person to know about me liking Sabrina. "Your not mad?" "No of course not." I said reassuring her. "And well, she wants to tell Red." She said continuing. "You don't think Red will tell right?" I asked. "I don't think so, but is it ok?" She asked me  "Well, yeah of course. I just don't want the whole family knowing." I said. "Agreed." She agreed with me. She sat up on her knees and was about to leave. I pulled her down with me and we laid down, facing upward. "Puck, I have to tell Daphne it's ok to tell.She said she was gonna burst with not telling the secret." Sabrina said strictly. "Well, Daphne can wait a little bit. I'm spending time with my girlfriend." I said, I turned to look at her. She looked at me, and then she leaned in and pecked me on the lips. "Ok, I guess I can stay for a little while longer." She said giving in. She snuggled up to me and laid her head on my chest. I thought of how different I am now, vs me barely 3 years ago. Yep, people change. I thought smiling and looking down at Sabrina. I closed my eyes and we fell asleep.
    Yay! This was a pretty good chapter if I say so myself. It was sweet, I'm not sure if I'm gonna write any more, I might. But vote and comment, and share my story please and thank you!! Have a great day....byyyeeeeeee!!!❤😊

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