Chapter 26

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I gasp. I know this situation is so tense.

"But Alpha...please...she is my cant kill her." Jimin says.

"Your mate? She loves me! For your information we have become rogues since we are kids. I know her first! Not you!" Jungkook suddenly yell.

Talia just keep quiet. She maybe have a relationship with Jimin before this but she cant deny the bond that she have with Jimin.

"She is my mate!" Jimin yell and stand.

"Jimin. Sit down. Please calm yourself. Ae Rin...what do you think. If i doesnt kill means i will broke the rules. As an Alpha...i cant broke the rules." Jin asks me.

I dont know what to reply.

Its hard to make a decisions.

"Luna..please...dont kill my mate. If you kill her i will die too." Jimin said.

Jimin is too kind and i cant do such thing.

" cant kill her. How about Jimin? " i said.

"I know. And how about this rude guy." Jin point at Jungkook.

"I think...i have an idea but....its not a good idea. " i say.

"What is it?" All of them look at me.

"I'm sorry Jimin. But if you dont want us to kill you have to....become a rogue too. Its have to get out from this pack. You are no longer can be in this pack." I say. Maybe i sound selfish but i hope Jimin chooses his pack then his mate...but i know its impossible.

Its the same if Jin choose the pack over me.

"I agree with Ae Rin. have to choose...become a rogue and be with your mate or stay here and we will kill her." Jin said.

Jimin looks stress. Talia is pleading with her eyes looking at Jimin. Of course she dont want to be kill. But we cant take her in our pack since she had injured our pack members.

"It is okay if you stay. I can be her mate! " Jungkook says.

"I choose to become a rogue and live with my mate." Jimin says and look at Talia.

"You make a wrong decision! I already mark Talia!" Jungkook yell.

I look at Talia's neck...the mark bite is there.

What was that???? Huhu...

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