His GG, My BJ, and Our Prayer

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*7 Years Ago*

Ahh man! What a hard day!! Yes, even 5th graders have hard days too. Trust me! I would know! People aren't so nice to me for some reason. You would think that at Palmer Christian Academy, people would act like, oh I don't know... like CHRISTIANS!! But no, they are so rude and well... unchristian like. They completely ignore me, and when they do speak to me they always have an attitude.

If you asked me why they act like that, I wouldn't know what to tell you. Maybe it's because of my looks? ....Oh what am i kidding!? It's not because of my looks. I'm not ugly. I have long black thick hair, I'm petite, and I have green eyes. That's not bad if you ask me.

Devon is pretty popular, but he isn't like drop dead gorgeous. ...Oh what am i kidding?! Yes he is! He has messy brown hair with chocolate brown eyes and a pretty nice body for our age. He is the kind of boy you know that when he grows up he is going to be a hunk! I would never tell him that though. He is already cocky enough.

Maybe people don't like me because of the way that I dress. Although, I think it would be pretty stupid to make fun of someone because of the way that they dress. I just dress in boot cut jeans and t-shirts. What's wrong with that? I will never know...

I do have some associates at school but not friends though. But that's something I can worry about later. School is now out for the day and I'm finally walking home with Devon. I guess you can say he is my friend since we have known each other since the day we were born. I had a hard day today, so right now at the moment I don't feel like putting up with his jokes.

"Hey GG! Wanna play some video games at my house when we get home?"

Really? Video games? He knows that I suck at video games! That's why I just press buttons. It takes too much concentration to press certain buttons just to make a single move. Why can't we just play something simple like Guitar Hero!? That's always fun!

"And by video games I did not mean Guitar Hero." He knows me so well. "It's not my fault that you would rather use the remote controller like it's a keyboard and type the buttons instead of actually learning the moves. Or maybe video games is just a man's game..."

He gives me a cocky wink. I stare into his brown eyes with an eyebrow lifted up. Is this a challenge!? He knows I would never back down, so now I have to play. He has gotten me right where he wants me, once again. He always does this to me. I stare into his brown eyes with one eyebrow lifted up. I can tell by that same smirk on his face that he knows that he has won our silent battle. 

"Fine, but if I win, we have to play Guitar Hero for as long as I want!" I say declaring my say in this bet.

He looks at me with a questioning look unsure if he should continue with this bet and says " Sure, but if I win, we have to play baseball for as long as I want in the backyard by the tree." Why must he do this to me? He knows m the most unathletic person there is. My hand-eye coordination is horrible. But like I said before, I cant back down from this challenge, so I have to go through with it. 

"Fine... but I'm only doing this because I want to play Guitar Hero and to prove to you that video games are not just for men, not because i can't back down from this challenge." I assure him one more time. 

"Then it's on!" We both stick out our hands to seal the deal and we shake on it. Game on! 


"Stop picking on me Devon!!" I stood at home plate with my hand on my hip and a scowl on my face while he was standing in the middle with hands on his knees laughing at me for missing he ball for the seventh time.

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