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The other demon cackled as I screamed. "She's got a loud mouth on her, doesn't she?" he asked, humored. The weight lifted from my foot and I heard him tromp around to stand by the other demon. "What are we doing first?"

"Well, first we'll need Zeddickx and Ranouk back," the first replied, stepping off my hand finally. "It's better when they're restrained."

"Bardeaux, we don't need them. I can restrain the girl. Or you can."

"I spotted her first," he snarled. "I get the first blow."

As they were arguing, I started scooting back on my knees, trying to put the least amount of weight on my broken hand. I didn't have the courage to look at it so I turned my head to the other side, watching the fire advance.

A hand grabbed my hair again. "Where are you going, princess?" Bardeaux snarled. "Didn't I tell you I wasn't done playing yet?"

"I don't want to play." I meant it to sound fierce but it came out as a whimper. A scratchy whisper that hurt my vocal cords and made it even harder to breathe. "Please, there's no air." A cough racked my body as emphasis, one that didn't stop and left me in a panic. I was getting just enough air to breathe, but it was strangling, as if the smoke was slowly soaking into my lungs.

"Raxxis, get over here." Bardeaux dropped my again, my body toppling to the ground in a heap. "Pick her up and hold her still. She won't be too hard to subdue; the fire is already taking her."

Raxxis came over to me and, surprisingly, gingerly picked me up under my arms. "Bardeaux, the girl is going to die anyway. Isn't watching her choke enough? Do you need to beat her to a pulp and defile her?"

"Trust me, Raxxis. When you get to my age, you will understand. The King needs to understand he doesn't hold the power any longer. And what better way than to take the Prince's beloved from him? It's the perfect strike."

Bardeaux raised his fist, a smirk flirting across his lips as he revved it. He was going to enjoy this, and he was going to make it as painful as possible. I could see it in his flashing red eyes.

A giant gust of wind blew through the room, followed by a shower of rain. Sweet, cool rain. My parched throat rejoiced in the water, though it burned the whole way down. I gasped in the clean, dewy air, grateful I could breathe again, my lungs rejoicing.

"What's going on here, boys?" a smooth voice asked. I heard the swishing of robes but I couldn't see the figure, my eyes still stinging and demanding to stay closed.

Raxxis dropped me and stepped back. "My lord."

Bardeaux snarled. "This does not concern you, King."

"I believe it does. After all, that is the woman my son loves, as we all figured out tonight." Hands clapped and I imagined he had clasped them behind him. "Now. Tell me what we are to do about this dilemma. Surely you deserve some punishment for nearly setting her on fire."

"Jocelynn!" a new voice exclaimed.

I wiped my eyes, desperate to see the man who had called my name, but I ended up irritating them more. I attempted to brush the dirt and ash off my hands but my dress was just as dirty.

Strong arms wrapped around me, pressing my cheek to a firm chest and smoothing down my hair. "I'm here now, Joc. We're here."

Bardeaux laughed. "You think that'll be enough, Prince? There are several demons against your father's rule—several you haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet. And, if luck is on your side, will never meet."

"Enough!" Aidoneus commanded. "The rest of your little gang has been accounted for, already bearing their punishment. Now it's your turn."

"You think that will stop the rebellion from happening, King? There are thousands who do not agree with your decisions. We won't be handled by a mere slap on the wrist and a warning."

"Oh, there's no worry on that subject. For the demons who make a strike do not get a slap on the wrist, or a warning. Especially for striking against a woman. Women are to be valued, young one, not tortured. No matter who they love or who loves them. Am I understood?"

My eyes finally cleared and I glanced at Bardeaux. He looked completely pissed, his fists clenched at his sides and a snarl on his face. His eyes flashed with vengeance.

"Mark my words, King," he stated. "When I get released from your torture chamber, I will start a rebellion greater than the likes you have ever seen before. And when that happens, your reign will be overthrown and I will be King."

Aidoneus sighed. "All right, guards. Take him away."

The demon guards approached Bardeaux and Raxxis. Bard put up a fight but Raxxis accepted his sentencing. It took three guards to subdue Bardeaux, but once they did their hold was firm. I watched them leave, both of the captives with their heads hung.

Cole released me somewhat, fanning his hands over my face and upper body. "Joc, are you all right? Aside from the obvious damage, of course."

I looked up at him with fear-filled eyes, hugging my arms to my chest. My legs were trembling, barely keeping me upright, and my breathing still hurt. My dress was a mess, my knees peeking through the material to show they were torn open. "No," I garbled.

"Let me see you hand," he commanded. He flipped it over in his gingerly, apologizing each time I winced. "This looks horrible, love. We should get you to Earth so you can go to a hospital."

"My son, if needed, there is an infirmary on these grounds." Aidoneus stepped forward and grabbed my hand from Cole's. I hitched in a breath but he paid no attention. Cupping my hand between his two, Aidoneus shut his eyes and muttered something quietly. I tried to catch the words but they were nearly silent.

Cole stiffened. "Father—"

Bones snapped again and I cried out, trying to wrench my hand from his. He held firm, his eyes flashing open to give me the silent command to hold still. My legs collapsed but Cole caught me. Stars danced across my vision and my head felt like and fluffy. The world fell away once more, but this time it was nice. Right before the void completely took over, I heard Cole's stern voice.

"Did you really have to do that, Father?"

And then Aidoneus' brief chuckle, which ended up getting cut off.

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