Well, as you can see I'm a nerd who is known as a dork. But I'm mainly known as a nerd. I was brought up with my dad and my mom died when I was very young. 13 years ago when I was 5. Right now I'm 18 and my dad is the school principal that nobody knows about.
I'm in love with drake. He is very popular. He is a bully but he is hot.
I have 4 best friends named Charlotte, Charles, Caleb and jasmine.
I hate school. I know it sounds weird your probably thinking 'What a nerd hates school!' well yeah it's possible because I made it. And also another weird thing, I am kind of a naughty nerd.
I have a litter brother named James and a little sister named daisy and that's it.
(Hope you enjoy my story)
Friends with a werewolf
Loup-garouThis story is about a girl named Nichole who gets bullied because she's a nerd but then a new girl comes to school and she is also a nerd. But then something suspicious is around her but she doesn't tell anybody. Read this story and find out what sh...