7. Ábylgnes

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Author's Note: Ábylgnes, which I can't pronounce, is translated as offence, scandal, wrath, indignation, or anger.

Since I am a sucker for research, Dristan is a name from the Arthurian legends meaning advisor to King Arthur.

Merlin looked beautiful.

Arthur acknowledged how absurd the thought was, but it was true nonetheless. Merlin might be sweating and writhing in pleasure, his face almost pained with the intensity of it, but with Arthur's name on his lips he was the most beautiful man Arthur had ever seen.

Arthur moved forward with confidence, his eyes fixed on that elven face, and grabbed hold of Merlin's cock.

Merlin's eyes opened as he gasped. He saw Arthur and smiled. "Arthur," he breathed, his voice wrecked.

Arthur awoke to a leaking cock against his stomach and an oblivious servant at the foot of his bed.

"Rise and shine!" Merlin said, in that way that he had. In reply, Arthur did what he always did. He groaned and turned over, conveniently hiding his morning wood. At least that is what Merlin would assume it was, if he found out. Which would be over Arthur's dead body.

"You have the training of the new knights to attend," said Merlin as he opened the drapes and puttered around the room. Arthur racked his brains for a way to make him leave without causing him to come closer. Merlin's cheerful voice wasn't helping either. "After lunch you have a council meeting. There are delegates from Queen Annis arriving for dinner, so you have to meet and greet in the evening. Then it's dinner, a bath, and then you can sleep again."

The day's schedule was enough to get rid of the problem. Now presentable again, he turned around to see Merlin tut at the night shirt Arthur had dropped on the floor the night before. He gave Arthur an exasperated glance, but said nothing.

"Dristan arrives today," he said instead. Arthur grunted out a vague questioning noise, but Merlin was used to his special communicating methods before breakfast. He answered as he placed Arthur's breakfast plate next to him. "The druid boy I agreed to tutor? Though Lord knows how I am supposed to mentor him in any way. He will be here, however. Today."

Arthur had swallowed half his loaf of bread by now, so he finally found his voice. "I look forward to meeting him. Gaius is fine with the arrangement?"

"He really does need someone around to help," Merlin confirmed. "He is getting on a bit. So, yeah, Dristan will take my old rooms and just... help out, I guess. I really, really can't do it anymore. I have to meet the masons, figure out how we're going to build this magic library. And I need to talk to Dristan too."

"I get it, Merlin," said Arthur as she chewed on some cheese. "You're a busy man."

"You don't think I was busy before?" laughed Merlin. "The first few years I was here, you ran me ragged."

Arthur grinned at the memory. "Yeah. I did... I didn't really like being saddled with you."

"Prat," said Merlin, throwing one of his gloves at him. "Now get up, you need to get dressed."

He found Dristan in Gaius' chambers.

Merlin knew he was sixteen years old, because he had asked. His clothes hung off of his lanky frame though, making him look much younger. When he turned to face him, Merlin saw that his sandy hair was in need of a cut--it kept falling into his eyes. His grin reached his deep green eyes, and Merlin felt himself responding with a grin of his own.

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