~Valentine Special~

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~(Y/n) POV~

     *Yawn* I get up from bed and its like what 12:00 in the afternoon already!? Which is weird because I usually wake it up more earlier than this. I stop think about it and got up to get dress for the day ahead or whats left of it that is but when I pass my dresser I saw a note with hearts on it. What is that? I walk closer to grab it to read it more closer.


     Knowing you for so long you already forgot it was Valentines day but it doesn't mater. Also knowing you, you probably will wake up a couple hours late so don't worry you're not late to the show. Get dress then follow the trail to get out of the bounty, then I'll have another note along the way to help you figure out where I am. Have fun on your little quest...

    From, Jay


    What is Bolts even saying in this, what trail? I went to go change from my pjs to a simple black tank top, skinny jeans, sneakers and (f/c) hoodie. Then fix my hair to have small bangs, now I'm ready for the day to start of what ever. Nya is still sleeping so I won't get yell at like the other day, anyways back to my so called 'quest' from what Jay wrote on the note. 

    I open the door from Nya and I's shared room to see a trail of rose petals and kiss chocolates on the ground of our door. So this is the thing he was talking about, but what is it for that got me wondering so badly now. Just follow it maybe something good will come out of it and so I begin to follow it outside on deck then even from a flying ship I can see everyone enjoy Valentines day with their special someone. Now I'm confuse on where to go.

    Then I saw someone waving at me from down below it was a little boy looking at me with something in his hands. Is he the next one? Doing airjitzu carefully to the ground so I don't have the kid get hurt or anything land in front of him. The kid then raise his hand to show a rose with a paper and he was smiling up at me.

    "Thank you cutie" I said giving the boy a quick peck on the cheek then see him blush but smile. Now what it this note say.


    You made it to one of my destinations for you so now to the next one. Go down the street more to see the trail of roses again and keep following it.


    Whatever you say Jay, whatever you say. Once I made it to the end of the street I could see the trail of roses with out the chocolates so that was a plus from not littering on the street somewhat. Now lets go!


    On the quest Jay assign to (y/n) she met people along the way and she got gifts form each of them. By now she already had 2 small chocolate assorted box, 1 large chocolate assorted box,  bouquet of different flowers because one person would give her just one each and a small teddy bear. Lucky for her with her super speed she could go back to the bounty to put them in her room and then continue on. 

    Now I'm getting anxious and Jay knows I get weird if something takes to long, (y/n) thought as she follows the trail and then see it stops in front to a theater of arts like acting and stuff and now the movie theaters. Once she got closer there was a small quick note by the door. 'Open Me' it says with a cute smiley face on the card which made (y/n) smile at the sight of it. Being told by a card she opens the door and it was abandon plus it was dark. Well it was dark with a  trail of candles to let there some light source.

    "Now you're being a showoff Jay" (y/n) said out loud hoping he can hear her comment

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    "Now you're being a showoff Jay" (y/n) said out loud hoping he can hear her comment. She follows it within the theater to then sit in the center of the front row by the candles and she did. Now all she had to do is wait to see what was going on. (y/n) was about to space out when she hears the stringing of guitars from somewhere probably on the stage. 

    "Sorry it took so long (n/n) I just want the suspense to kill you" Jay says as he appears on stage with a  microphone then the head lights focus on the stage as the curtain rises. Being him was an image of the night sky filled with stars. Next to him were Cole and Kai playing the guitar smiling at the shock girl in front of them. "This song is for you. I might not be a good anger but at least give me the credit of trying."


      The song Jay pick from reminded him their story in a way even if some were just to make harmony in it. Its about a guy who was in love with his childhood best friend and didn't know how to tell her. She was always by his side when he needed help and the same for. Even when the girl was heart broken the guys was there to cheer her up but unlike the two now Jay was the one who was broken. Then the part when the two had to separate from each other for so long before seeing each other again to tell each other how much they loved each other. It was a story that could describe them in a way.

(a/n: I got a lot of 'each other' in just one sentence) 

     As Jay was singing he never lost eye contact from the deep passionate (e/c) eyes he saw the first time they met. And the (e/c) never lost contact from the soft shinning Sky blue eyes even when he got off stage to walk toward her. Jay took his hand out to help (y/n) get up from her seat then pull her onto the stage. As the song was slowly coming to the end the two didn't notice the curtains closing and the other brothers smiling at the happy lovebirds they were going to leave. 

    "Y-you did all of this in just one day and all fro men of all people" (y/n) said smiling at Jay who was smiling back at her with much love as she smiles at him. He would do anything for the girl he loves so much he could even die for her if it had to be done. And (y/n) would do anything for Jay to be happy as well.

    "Its Valentines day its day you show the person you love how much you do even when we do it everyday anyways" Jay says which made (y/n) giggle. He place his forehead onto hers. "Nevertheless I wanted to do something for you because you do things for me that I will always keep in my heart that you made whole again. This is just a token of my gratitude."

    "You know if keep talking like that I might just tis you ok the spot right now" (y/n) smirks while Jay blush but then smirks as well.

    "Well go ahead~"

    After he said that (y/n) pulls him by the collar to crash their lips together. It was blissful that it made Jay's poor heart beat more faster than usual just the same goes for (y/N). They both agree to have this Valentines day the best one waiting for more to come...

WORDS: 1296

    👾❤️HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU PEOPLE! Well to those who have someone to celebrate with the happy Valentines day but to the single people out there in the world happy Single Forever Day! One of my friends made that day up so I want to share you that as well. I'm not a huge fan of the holiday but I still have to be nice. Anyways I come back from the dead and glad to update at least for today of all days.

I hope you enjoy this special to the book and this isn't involve in the story just to tell you people. Still I hope you enjoy reading this, I enjoy typing it. Comment down below you thoughts to the special or anything and I'm always happy to read them. Until then Reader-kun...




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