Chapter 27

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     Now the five brothers and the winged male planned a whole escape all through the night. It was as if they have never heard of sleep in their lives. Jay was filled with such determination that he was able to stay up the whole night as the others seem to be getting off into sleepy town.

     It was 4:00 a.m. and finally, it seems that most have them have fallen asleep. Jay and Sentry were the only two wide-awakes filled with energy and mixed emotions about the plans of the day that will change everything. Jay takes a sip of his tea as he stares off into the distance with a blank expression. Sentry does the same before often glancing over to the blue ninja.

     " have feelings for the princess don't you" Sentry randomly speaks out. Jay looks at the winged man with wide eyes as his face blooms bright red. Having someone else randomly say it is just a bad as confessing it to himself. "Hm, I can see it. Whenever I see her majesty look at you she seems to have a lot of mixed emotions. Like she wants to say something but forces herself not to."

     "Not only that but you do as well. To be honest but you seem to have a wimpy attitude that lets people mess around with you often. But when it came to her majesty your aura seems to take a 360 and you seem rather protective of her. You want to do what is right for her as you were the one who supposedly ruined things between the two of you..."

     Jay stays quiet throughout the whole lecture of observation, he knew deep down the birdman was right. He was very protective of her, not only as a teammate or best friend but a lover. Now this plan has to work. They're going to have to make this work now, this is probably the most important task that they're going to have to face.

     "I made a mistake and I only brought so much pain to her because of it. I was being selfish and didn't think of the outcome because I was blinded by betrayal...Something I know she wouldn't ever do to me" Jay confesses before looking at Sentry. "I want to make this right. Not only for her but for this kingdom who doesn't deserve to go through this torment. They deserve freedom."

     Sentry could only smirk before raising his glass toward the blue ninja. Jay did the same before taking a sip once more. Now it slipped away as the sun begins to rise over the horizon.

Raise a glass to freedom...


     Now the six males stand in front of the gates of the eerie-looking castle that was once filled with happiness. Jay and Sentry stand in the front before looking at each other. The moon was full and the place was in complete silence that night.  It's game time.

     Zane creates a stairway wrapping around the castle wall to allow them over the great wall. Once landing inside the layout of the place wasn't in chaos as most of Desdemona's soldiers were laying about outside of the doors. They all follow in a single file line to the west garden, there was another door to enter. 

     Making it to the garden, Sentry gestures for the ninja to follow behind him a wall of hanging vines. However, inside of being greeted by a cemented wall, it was a hidden door that allowed full access to the inside. 

     In the morning Sentry explained that there were secret passages ways hidden throughout the castle which was given access to very few of the previous king's orders. He is the head knight allowed him full access and knowledge to its existence. So moving through the castle will be much easier.

     Climbing a huge wave of stairs they soon made it into a familiar hallway. It was the same one with the throne room and connected to (y/n) private study. Now the six of them soon were standing in front of the dreaded doors. The task was simple. Find (Y/n), fix the charm over her, and bring her ass home. Simple and quick.

A Bolt of Love | Jay x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now